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Connect to a Microsoft 365 group

Being able to connect a Microsoft 365 group to an existing SharePoint site is important if you want to modernize that site. After your site is connected to a Microsoft 365 group, it can benefit from all other group-connected services such as Microsoft Teams and Planner. This connection also brings your classic site a step closer to being like the current modern team site, which by default is connected to a Microsoft 365 group.

You can connect your site to a new Microsoft 365 group from the user interface site-by-site, which might be good for smaller environments. However, larger customers often want to offer a consistent experience to their users, and therefore want to perform a bulk operation of their sites.

In this article, you'll learn how to prepare for such a bulk operation for associating sites to new Microsoft 365 groups and how to actually make it happen.


  • It is not supported to connect a Communication site to Microsoft 365 group.
  • You cannot group connect the root site collection in your tenant.


Modernization tooling and all other PnP components are open-source tools backed by an active community providing support for them. There is no SLA for open-source tool support from official Microsoft support channels.

What connecting to a new Microsoft 365 group does to your site

When you connect your site to a new Microsoft 365 group, a number of things happen:

  • A new Microsoft 365 group is created, and that group is connected to your site collection
  • A new modern home page is created on your site and set as the site's home page
  • The group's Owners are now the site collection administrators
  • The group's Owners are added to your site's Owners group
  • The group's Members are added to your site's Members group

After your site is connected to a Microsoft 365 group, it behaves like a modern group-connected team site, so granting people permission to the connected Microsoft 365 group now also grants them access to the SharePoint site, a Microsoft Team can be created on top of the site, Planner can be integrated, and so on.

Connect a Microsoft 365 group using the SharePoint user interface

One approach to connect a Microsoft 365 group to your site is to use the option available in the user interface. By selecting the gear icon in the navigation bar, you can select the Connect to new Microsoft 365 group option, which launches a wizard that walks you through the group-connection process as shown in the following screenshots.

Site actions menu (gear icon)

Site actions



Programmatically connect a Microsoft 365 group

To programmatically connect a Microsoft 365 group, we recommend that you follow a three-step process:

  • Learn
  • Analyze
  • Modernize

Step 1: Learn what group-connection does to your site

Getting familiar with what group-connection does to your site is important, and therefore we recommend that you do a manual group-connection for some test sites by using the user interface option. An important aspect to evaluate is whether you want to keep the newly created modern home page. As part of the modernization script, you'll be able to create a tailored home page, but if the default one serves your needs, that's the preferred option.

Step 2: Analyze your sites

The user interface option shown in the previous section is not suitable if you want to group-connect hundreds of site collections. At that point, using an API to programmatically do this makes a lot of sense. But before doing that, it's best to verify which sites are ready to be group-connected because not all sites are suitable for this.

To help you understand which sites are ready to be group-connected, you can use the SharePoint Modernization Scanner to analyze your environment. This link contains all the details needed to run the scanner. After you've run the scanner go the Understand and process the scanner results article to analyze the scan results.

Step 3: Modernize your sites

The bulk group-connect process consists of two steps:

  • Prepare and validate an input file that you'll use to drive the bulk group-connect process.
  • Run the bulk group-connect process.

Create an input file for bulk group-connection and validate it

After running the scanner and processing the results, you have identified which sites are ready to group-connect.The next step is to prepare a CSV file to drive the bulk group-connection process. The CSV file format is simple:

  • URL column contains the URL to the site collection to group-connect.
  • Alias contains the Microsoft 365 group alias that you want to use. Note that this alias cannot contain spaces, and it should not have been used before.
  • IsPublic indicates whether you want the site to be a public or private site.
  • Classification contains the site classification that you want to set to the site after you group-connect. This is needed because after being connected to a group, this classification is maintained at the Microsoft 365 group level.

Following is a short sample:

Url,Alias,IsPublic,Classification,hrteam,false,Medium Impact,engineeringteam,true,Low Impact

To help you verify this file before using it, you can use the PowerShell script at the end of this section. This script checks for valid site URLs and aliases. Update this script with your tenant admin center URL and run it. The script asks for the CSV file name and generates a report for you.

During the validation script execution, the following errors can appear:

Error Description
AzureAD Naming policy : PrefixSuffix does contain AD attributes that are resolved based on the user running the group-connection In Azure AD, you can define a naming policy for Microsoft 365 groups. If this policy contains user Active Directory attributes, this might be an issue because bulk group-connect handles all sites using the current user.
AzureAD Creation policy : adminUPN is not part of group CanCreateGroupsId that controls Microsoft 365 group creation If Azure AD group creation is restricted to certain accounts and the current account is not among those, the Microsoft 365 group creation fails.
siteUrl : Alias [siteAlias] contains a space, which is not allowed The alias of a Microsoft 365 group cannot contain a space.
siteUrl : Classification [siteClassification] does not comply with available Azure AD classifications [ClassificationListString] The provided site classification is not defined as one of the allowed site classifications for Microsoft 365 groups.
siteUrl : Alias [siteAlias] is in the Azure AD blocked word list [CustomBlockedWordsListString] If a blocked words list is set up in Azure AD and the provided Microsoft 365 group name uses such a word, this error is generated.
siteUrl : Site is already connected to a group A site can only be connected to a single Microsoft 365 group, so after a site is connected, it cannot be group-connected anymore.
siteUrl : Alias [siteAlias] is already in use Each Microsoft 365 group needs a unique alias; an error is generated when the proposed alias was already used by another Microsoft 365 group.
siteUrl : Alias [siteAlias] was already marked as approved alias for another site in this file The proposed site alias was already defined for another site in earlier input lines of the bulk group-connect CSV file.
siteUrl : Site does not exist or is not available (status = site.Status) The provided site URL does not represent a reachable site collection.


Please update the $tenantAdminUrl variable in the following script to contain your tenant admin center URL (for example,

During script execution, a log file is generated, combined with an error file that contains a subset of the log file (only the errors).

Validates the CSV input file for the bulk "Office 365 Group Connects". 

PS C:\> .\ValidateInput.ps1

#region Logging and generic functions
function LogWrite
    param([string] $log , [string] $ForegroundColor)

        Write-Host $log
        Write-Host $log -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor

function LogError
    param([string] $log)

function IsGuid
    param([string] $owner)

        [GUID]$g = $owner
        $t = $g.GetType()
        return ($t.Name -eq "Guid")
        return $false

function IsGroupConnected
    param([string] $owner)

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($owner))
        if ($owner.Length -eq 38)
            if ((IsGuid $owner.Substring(0, 36)) -and ($owner.Substring(36, 2) -eq "_o"))
                return $true

    return $false

function ContainsADAttribute

    $ADAttributes = @("[Department]", "[Company]", "[Office]", "[StateOrProvince]", "[CountryOrRegion]", "[Title]")

    foreach($attribute in $ADAttributes)
        if ($PrefixSuffix -like "*$attribute*")
            return $true

    return $false


# MAIN section                                        #
# Tenant admin url
$tenantAdminUrl = ""
# If you use credential manager then specify the used credential manager entry, if left blank you'll be asked for a user/pwd
$credentialManagerCredentialToUse = ""

#region Setup Logging
$date = Get-Date
$logfile = ((Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName + "\GroupconnectInputValidation_log_" + $date.ToFileTime() + ".txt")
$global:Errorfile = ((Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName + "\GroupconnectInputValidation_error_" + $date.ToFileTime() + ".txt")

#region Load needed PowerShell modules
#Ensure PnP PowerShell is loaded
$minimumVersion = New-Object System.Version("2.24.1803.0")
if (-not (Get-InstalledModule -Name SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion -ErrorAction Ignore)) 
    Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Import-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline -DisableNameChecking -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion

#region Ensure Azure PowerShell is loaded
$minimumAzurePowerShellVersion = New-Object System.Version("")
if (-not (Get-InstalledModule -Name AzureADPreview -MinimumVersion $minimumAzurePowerShellVersion -ErrorAction Ignore))
    install-module AzureADPreview -MinimumVersion $minimumAzurePowerShellVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force

Import-Module AzureADPreview -MinimumVersion $minimumAzurePowerShellVersion

$siteURLFile = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input name of .CSV file to validate (e.g. sitecollections.csv) ?'

# Get the tenant admin credentials.
$credentials = $null
$adminUPN = $null
if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($credentialManagerCredentialToUse) -and (Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse) -ne $null)
    $adminUPN = (Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse).UserName
    $credentials = $credentialManagerCredentialToUse
    $azureADCredentials = Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse -Type PSCredential
    # Prompts for credentials, if not found in the Windows Credential Manager.
    $adminUPN = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter admin UPN"
    $pass = Read-host -AsSecureString "Please enter admin password"
    $credentials = new-object management.automation.pscredential $adminUPN,$pass
    $azureADCredentials = $credentials

if($credentials -eq $null) 
    Write-Host "Error: No credentials supplied." -ForegroundColor Red
    exit 1

#region Connect to SharePoint and Azure
# Get a tenant admin connection, will be reused in the remainder of the script
LogWrite "Connect to tenant admin site $tenantAdminUrl"
$tenantContext = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantAdminUrl -Credentials $credentials -Verbose -ReturnConnection

LogWrite "Connect to Azure AD"
$azureUser = Connect-AzureAD -Credential $azureADCredentials

#region Read Azure AD group settings
$groupSettings = (Get-AzureADDirectorySetting | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -Value "Group.Unified" -EQ)

$CheckGroupCreation = $false
$CanCreateGroupsId = $null
$CheckClassificationList = $false
$ClassificationList = $null
$CheckPrefixSuffix = $false
$PrefixSuffix = $null
$CheckDefaultClassification = $false
$DefaultClassification = $null
$CheckCustomBlockedWordsList = $false

if (-not ($groupSettings -eq $null))
    if (-not($groupSettings["EnableGroupCreation"] -eq $true))
        # Group creation is restricted to a security group...verify if the current user is part of that group
        # See:
        $CheckGroupCreation = $true
        $CanCreateGroupsId = $groupSettings["GroupCreationAllowedGroupId"]

    if (-not ($groupSettings["CustomBlockedWordsList"] -eq ""))
        # Check for blocked words in group name
        # See:
        $CheckCustomBlockedWordsList = $true
        $option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
        $CustomBlockedWordsListString = $groupSettings["CustomBlockedWordsList"]
        $CustomBlockedWordsList = $groupSettings["CustomBlockedWordsList"].Split(",", $option)
        # Trim array elements
        [int] $arraycounter = 0
        foreach($c in $CustomBlockedWordsList)
            $CustomBlockedWordsList[$arraycounter] = $c.Trim(" ")

    if (-not ($groupSettings["PrefixSuffixNamingRequirement"] -eq ""))
        # Check for prefix/suffix naming - any dynamic tokens beside [groupname] can be problematic since all 
        # groups are created using the user running the bulk group connect
        # See:
        $CheckPrefixSuffix = $true
        $PrefixSuffix = $groupSettings["PrefixSuffixNamingRequirement"]

    if (-not ($groupSettings["ClassificationList"] -eq ""))
        # Check for valid classification labels
        # See: 
        $CheckClassificationList = $true

        $option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
        $ClassificationListString = $groupSettings["ClassificationList"]
        $ClassificationList = $groupSettings["ClassificationList"].Split(",", $option)
        # Trim array elements
        [int] $arraycounter = 0
        foreach($c in $ClassificationList)
            $ClassificationList[$arraycounter] = $c.Trim(" ")

        if (-not ($groupSettings["DefaultClassification"] -eq ""))
            $CheckDefaultClassification = $true
            $DefaultClassification = $groupSettings["DefaultClassification"].Trim(" ")

#region Validate input
LogWrite "General Azure AD validation"
if ($CheckPrefixSuffix -and (ContainsADAttribute $PrefixSuffix))
    $message = "[ERROR] AzureAD Naming policy : $PrefixSuffix does contain AD attributes that are resolved based on the user running the group connect"
    LogWrite $message Red
    LogError $message                         

if ($CheckGroupCreation)
    $groupToCheck = new-object Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.GroupIdsForMembershipCheck
    $groupToCheck.GroupIds = $CanCreateGroupsId
    $accountToCheck = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $adminUPN
    $groupsUserIsMemberOf = Select-AzureADGroupIdsUserIsMemberOf -ObjectId $accountToCheck.ObjectId -GroupIdsForMembershipCheck $groupToCheck
    if ($groupsUserIsMemberOf -eq $null)
        $message = "[ERROR] AzureAD Creation policy : $adminUPN is not part of group $CanCreateGroupsId which controls Office 365 Group creation"
        LogWrite $message Red
        LogError $message                         

# "approved" aliases
$approvedAliases = @{}

LogWrite "Validating rows in $siteURLFile..."
$csvRows = Import-Csv $siteURLFile

foreach($row in $csvRows)
    if($row.Url.Trim() -ne "")
        $siteUrl = $row.Url
        $siteAlias = $row.Alias
        $siteClassification = $row.Classification
        if ($siteClassification -ne $null)
            $siteClassification = $siteClassification.Trim(" ")

        LogWrite "[VALIDATING] $siteUrl with alias [$siteAlias] and classification [$siteClassification]"

            # First perform validations that do not require to load the site
            if ($siteAlias.IndexOf(" ") -gt 0)
                $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Alias [$siteAlias] contains a space, which not allowed"
                LogWrite $message Red
                LogError $message 
            elseif (($CheckClassificationList -eq $true) -and (-not ($ClassificationList -contains $siteClassification)))
                $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Classification [$siteClassification] does not comply with available AzureAD classifications [$ClassificationListString]"
                LogWrite $message Red
                LogError $message                         
            elseif (($CheckCustomBlockedWordsList -eq $true) -and ($CustomBlockedWordsList -contains $siteAlias))
                $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Alias [$siteAlias] is in the AzureAD blocked word list [$CustomBlockedWordsListString]"
                LogWrite $message Red
                LogError $message                         
                # try getting the site
                $site = Get-PnPTenantSite -Url $siteUrl -Connection $tenantContext -ErrorAction Ignore
                if ($site.Status -eq "Active")
                    if (IsGroupConnected $site.Owner)
                        $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Site is already connected a group"
                        LogWrite $message Red
                        LogError $message 
                        $aliasIsUsed = Test-PnPOffice365GroupAliasIsUsed -Alias $siteAlias -Connection $tenantContext      
                        if ($aliasIsUsed)
                            $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Alias [$siteAlias] is already in use"
                            LogWrite $message Red
                            LogError $message   
                        elseif ($approvedAliases.ContainsKey($siteAlias))
                            $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Alias [$siteAlias] was already marked as approved alias for another site in this file"
                            LogWrite $message Red
                            LogError $message   
                            $approvedAliases.Add($siteAlias, $siteAlias)
                            LogWrite "[VALIDATED] $siteUrl with alias [$siteAlias] and classification [$siteClassification]" Green
                    $message = "[ERROR] $siteUrl : Site does not exist or is not available (status = $($site.Status))"
                    LogWrite $message Red    
                    LogError $message
        catch [Exception]
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            LogWrite "Error: $ErrorMessage" Red
            LogError $ErrorMessage    

#region Close log files
if ($global:strmWrtLog -ne $NULL)

if ($global:strmWrtError -ne $NULL)

Run the bulk group-connect process

Now that we have an input file that's defining the sites that need to be group-connected, we can finally make it happen. The following PowerShell script is a sample script that you can tweak to your needs because you might want more or fewer things as part of the group-connection.

The shared sample version of the script implements the following steps:

  • Adds current tenant admin as site admin when needed; group-connection requires a user account (so no app-only).
  • Verifies site template / publishing feature use and prevents group-connection; aligns with the logic in the scanner.
  • Ensures that no modern blocking features are enabled, and if so, fixes them.
  • Ensures that the modern page feature is enabled.
  • Optional: Deploys applications (for example, Application Customizer).
  • Optional: Adds your own modern home page.
  • Calls the group-connect API.
  • Defines site admins and site owners as group owners.
  • Defines site members as group members.
  • Removes added tenant admin and site owners from SharePoint admins.
  • Removes added tenant admin from the Microsoft 365 group.

Running the following PowerShell script requires that you update the tenant admin center URL and at run time provide credentials and the CSV input file.


This is a sample script that you need to address to your needs by updating/dropping the optional parts or by adding additional modernization tasks (such as setting a SharePoint site theme). Please update the $tenantAdminUrl variable in the script to contain your tenant admin center URL (for example,

During script execution, a log file is generated, combined with an error file that contains a subset of the log file (only the errors).

"Office 365 Group Connects" a Classic SharePoint Online team site by attaching it to an Office Group and provisioning the default resources. Also enables the user to add a classification label and alias for the Group and enables Modern User Experience for the site.

Doesn't use parameters, rather asks for the values it needs. Optionally, supports hardcoding the use of Credential Manager (won't ask for credentials) and SharePoint admin site url.

PS C:\> .\O365GroupConnectSite.ps1

#region Logging and generic functions
function LogWrite
    param([string] $log , [string] $ForegroundColor)

        Write-Host $log
        Write-Host $log -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor

function LogError
    param([string] $log)

function LoginNameToUPN
    param([string] $loginName)

    return $loginName.Replace("i:0#.f|membership|", "")

function AddToOffice365GroupOwnersMembers
    param($groupUserUpn, $groupId, [bool] $Owners)

    # Apply an incremental backoff strategy as after group creation the group is not immediately available on all Azure AD nodes resulting in resource not found errors
    # It can take up to a minute to get all Azure AD nodes in sync
    $retryCount = 5
    $retryAttempts = 0
    $backOffInterval = 2

    LogWrite "Attempting to add $groupUserUpn to group $groupId"  

    while($retryAttempts -le $retryCount)
            if ($Owners)
                $azureUserId = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $groupUserUpn            
                Add-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $groupId -RefObjectId $azureUserId.ObjectId  
                LogWrite "User $groupUserUpn added as group owner"  
                $azureUserId = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $groupUserUpn           
                Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $groupId -RefObjectId $azureUserId.ObjectId    
                LogWrite "User $groupUserUpn added as group member"  
            $retryAttempts = $retryCount + 1;
            if ($retryAttempts -lt $retryCount)
                $retryAttempts = $retryAttempts + 1        
                Write-Host "Retry attempt number: $retryAttempts. Sleeping for $backOffInterval seconds..."
                Start-Sleep $backOffInterval
                $backOffInterval = $backOffInterval * 2

function UsageLog
        $cc = Get-PnPContext
        $cc.ClientTag = "SPDev:GroupifyPS"
    catch [Exception] { }

function GroupConnectSite
    param([string] $siteCollectionUrl, 
          [string] $alias,
          [Boolean] $isPublic,
          [string] $siteClassification,
          [string] $adminUPN)
    #region Ensure access to the site collection, if needed promote the calling account to site collection admin
    # Check if we can access the site...if not let's 'promote' ourselves as site admin
    $adminClaim = "i:0#.f|membership|$adminUPN"    
    $adminWasAdded = $false
    $siteOwnersGroup = $null
    $siteContext = $null    
    $siteCollectionUrl = $siteCollectionUrl.TrimEnd("/");

        LogWrite "User running group connect: $adminUPN"
        LogWrite "Connecting to site $siteCollectionUrl"
        $siteContext = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteCollectionUrl -Credentials $credentials -Verbose -ReturnConnection
    Catch [Exception]
        # If Access Denied then use tenant API to add current tenant admin user as site collection admin to the current site
        if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized")
            LogWrite "Temporarily adding user $adminUPN as site collection admin"
            Set-PnPTenantSite -Url $siteCollectionUrl -Owners @($adminUPN) -Connection $tenantContext
            $adminWasAdded = $true
            LogWrite "Second attempt to connect to site $siteCollectionUrl"
            $siteContext = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteCollectionUrl -Credentials $credentials -Verbose -ReturnConnection
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            LogWrite "Error for site $siteCollectionUrl : $ErrorMessage" Red
            LogError $ErrorMessage

        # Group connect steps
        # - [Done] Add current tenant admin as site admin when needed
        # - [Done] Verify site template / publishing feature use and prevent group connect --> align with the logic in the scanner
        # - [Done] Ensure no modern blocking features are enabled...if so fix it
        # - [Done] Ensure the modern page feature is enabled
        # - [Done] Optional: Deploy applications (e.g. application customizer)
        # - [Done] Optional: Add modern home page
        # - [Done] Call group connect API
        # - [Done] Define Site Admins and Site owners as group owners
        # - [Done] Define Site members as group members
        # - []     Have option to "expand" site owners/members if needed
        # - [Done] Remove added tenant admin and site owners from SharePoint admins
        # - [Done] Remove added tenant admin from the Office 365 group

        #region Adding admin
        # Check if current tenant admin is part of the site collection admins, if not add the account        
        $siteAdmins = $null
        if ($adminWasAdded -eq $false)
                # Eat exceptions here...resulting $siteAdmins variable will be empty which will trigger the needed actions                
                $siteAdmins = Get-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Connection $siteContext -ErrorAction Ignore
            catch [Exception] { }
            $adminNeedToBeAdded = $true
            foreach($admin in $siteAdmins)
                if ($admin.LoginName -eq $adminClaim)
                    $adminNeedToBeAdded = $false

            if ($adminNeedToBeAdded)
                LogWrite "Temporarily adding user $adminUPN as site collection admin"
                Set-PnPTenantSite -Url $siteCollectionUrl -Owners @($adminUPN) -Connection $tenantContext
                $adminWasAdded = $true


        #region Checking for "blockers"
        $publishingSiteFeature = Get-PnPFeature -Identity "F6924D36-2FA8-4F0B-B16D-06B7250180FA" -Scope Site -Connection $siteContext
        $publishingWebFeature = Get-PnPFeature -Identity "94C94CA6-B32F-4DA9-A9E3-1F3D343D7ECB" -Scope Web -Connection $siteContext

        if (($publishingSiteFeature.DefinitionId -ne $null) -or ($publishingWebFeature.DefinitionId -ne $null))
            throw "Publishing feature enabled...can't group connect this site"

        # Grab the web template and verify if it's a group connect blocker
        $web = Get-PnPWeb -Connection $siteContext -Includes WebTemplate,Configuration,Description
        $webTemplate = $web.WebTemplate + $web.Configuration

        if ($webTemplate -eq "BICENTERSITE#0" -or 
            $webTemplate -eq "BLANKINTERNET#0" -or
            $webTemplate -eq "ENTERWIKI#0" -or
            $webTemplate -eq "SRCHCEN#0" -or
            $webTemplate -eq "SRCHCENTERLITE#0" -or
            $webTemplate -eq "POINTPUBLISHINGHUB#0" -or
            $webTemplate -eq "POINTPUBLISHINGTOPIC#0" -or
            throw "Incompatible web template detected...can't group connect this site"
        #region Enable full modern experience by enabling the pages features and disabling "blocking" features
        LogWrite "Enabling modern page feature, disabling modern list UI blocking features"
        # Enable modern page feature
        Enable-PnPFeature -Identity "B6917CB1-93A0-4B97-A84D-7CF49975D4EC" -Scope Web -Force -Connection $siteContext
        # Disable the modern list site level blocking feature
        Disable-PnPFeature -Identity "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4" -Scope Site -Force -Connection $siteContext
        # Disable the modern list web level blocking feature
        Disable-PnPFeature -Identity "52E14B6F-B1BB-4969-B89B-C4FAA56745EF" -Scope Web -Force -Connection $siteContext

        #region Optional: Add SharePoint Framework customizations - sample
        # LogWrite "Deploying SPFX application customizer"
        # Add-PnPCustomAction -Name "Footer" -Title "Footer" -Location "ClientSideExtension.ApplicationCustomizer" -ClientSideComponentId "edbe7925-a83b-4d61-aabf-81219fdc1539" -ClientSideComponentProperties "{}"

        #region Optional: Add custom home page - sample
        # LogWrite "Deploying a custom modern home page"
        # $homePage = Get-PnPHomePage -Connection $siteContext
        # $newHomePageName = $homePage.Substring($homePage.IndexOf("/") + 1).Replace(".aspx", "_new.aspx")
        # $newHomePagePath = $homePage.Substring(0, $homePage.IndexOf("/") + 1)
        # $newHomePage = Add-PnPClientSidePage -Name $newHomePageName -LayoutType Article -CommentsEnabled:$false -Publish:$true -Connection $siteContext

        # Add your additional web parts here!
        # Add-PnPClientSidePageSection -Page $newHomePage -SectionTemplate OneColumn -Order 1 -Connection $siteContext
        # Add-PnPClientSideText -Page $newHomePage -Text "Old home page was <a href=""$siteCollectionUrl/$homePage"">here</a>" -Section 1 -Column 1
        # Set-PnPHomePage -RootFolderRelativeUrl ($newHomePagePath + $newHomePageName) -Connection $siteContext

        #region Prepare for group permission configuration
        # Get admins again now that we've ensured our access
        $siteAdmins = Get-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Connection $siteContext
        # Get owners and members before the group claim gets added
        $siteOwnersGroup = Get-PnPGroup -AssociatedOwnerGroup -Connection $siteContext               
        $siteMembersGroup = Get-PnPGroup -AssociatedMemberGroup -Connection $siteContext               

        #region Call group connect API
        LogWrite "Call group connnect API with following settings: Alias=$alias, IsPublic=$isPublic, Classification=$siteClassification"
        Add-PnPOffice365GroupToSite -Url $siteCollectionUrl -Alias $alias -DisplayName $alias -Description $web.Description -IsPublic:$isPublic -KeepOldHomePage:$false -Classification $siteClassification -Connection $siteContext

        #region Configure group permissions
        LogWrite "Adding site administrators and site owners to the Office 365 group owners"
        $groupOwners = @{}
        foreach($siteAdmin in $siteAdmins)
            if (($siteAdmin.LoginName).StartsWith("i:0#.f|membership|"))
                $siteAdminUPN = (LoginNameToUPN $siteAdmin.LoginName)
                if (-not ($siteAdminUPN -eq $adminUPN))
                    if (-not ($groupOwners.ContainsKey($siteAdminUPN)))
                        $groupOwners.Add($siteAdminUPN, $siteAdminUPN)
                #TODO: group expansion?    
        foreach($siteOwner in $siteOwnersGroup.Users)
            if (($siteOwner.LoginName).StartsWith("i:0#.f|membership|"))
                $siteOwnerUPN = (LoginNameToUPN $siteOwner.LoginName)
                if (-not ($groupOwners.ContainsKey($siteOwnerUPN)))
                    $groupOwners.Add($siteOwnerUPN, $siteOwnerUPN)
                #TODO: group expansion?    

        $site = Get-PnPSite -Includes GroupId -Connection $siteContext
        foreach($groupOwner in $groupOwners.keys)
                AddToOffice365GroupOwnersMembers $groupOwner ($site.GroupId) $true
            catch [Exception]
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                LogWrite "Error adding user $groupOwner to group owners. Error: $ErrorMessage" Red
                LogError $ErrorMessage

        LogWrite "Adding site members to the Office 365 group members"
        $groupMembers = @{}
        foreach($siteMember in $siteMembersGroup.Users)
            if (($siteMember.LoginName).StartsWith("i:0#.f|membership|"))
                $siteMemberUPN = (LoginNameToUPN $siteMember.LoginName)
                if (-not ($groupMembers.ContainsKey($siteMemberUPN)))
                    $groupMembers.Add($siteMemberUPN, $siteMemberUPN)
                #TODO: group expansion?    

        foreach($groupMember in $groupMembers.keys)
                AddToOffice365GroupOwnersMembers $groupMember ($site.GroupId) $false                
            catch [Exception]
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                LogWrite "Error adding user $groupMember to group members. Error: $ErrorMessage" Red
                LogError $ErrorMessage

        #region Cleanup updated permissions
        LogWrite "Group connect is done, let's cleanup the configured permissions"
        # Remove the added site collection admin - obviously this needs to be the final step in the script :-)
        if ($adminWasAdded)
            #Remove the added site admin from the Office 365 Group owners and members
            LogWrite "Remove $adminUPN from the Office 365 group owners and members"            
            $site = Get-PnPSite -Includes GroupId -Connection $siteContext
            $azureAddedAdminId = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $adminUPN
                Remove-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $site.GroupId -OwnerId $azureAddedAdminId.ObjectId -ErrorAction Ignore
                Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $site.GroupId -MemberId $azureAddedAdminId.ObjectId -ErrorAction Ignore                    
            catch [Exception] { }

            LogWrite "Remove $adminUPN from site collection administrators"            
            Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Owners @($adminUPN) -Connection $siteContext

        LogWrite "Group connect done for site collection $siteCollectionUrl" Green
        # Disconnect PnP Powershell from site
    Catch [Exception]
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        LogWrite "Error: $ErrorMessage" Red
        LogError $ErrorMessage

        #region Cleanup updated permissions on error
        # Group connect run did not complete...remove the added tenant admin to restore site permissions as final step in the cleanup
        if ($adminWasAdded)
            # Below logic might fail if the error happened before the Group connect API call, but errors are ignored
            $site = Get-PnPSite -Includes GroupId -Connection $siteContext
            $azureAddedAdminId = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $adminUPN
                Remove-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $site.GroupId -OwnerId $azureAddedAdminId.ObjectId -ErrorAction Ignore
                Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $site.GroupId -MemberId $azureAddedAdminId.ObjectId -ErrorAction Ignore
                # Final step, remove the added site collection admin
                Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -Owners @($adminUPN) -Connection $siteContext
            catch [Exception] { }

        LogWrite "Group connect failed for site collection $siteCollectionUrl" Red


# MAIN section                                        #

# If you want to automate the run and make the script ask less questions, feel free to hardcode these 2 values below. Otherwise they'll be asked from the user or parsed from the values they input

# Tenant admin url
$tenantAdminUrl = "" # e.g. ""
# If you use credential manager then specify the used credential manager entry, if left blank you'll be asked for a user/pwd
$credentialManagerCredentialToUse = ""

#region Setup Logging
$date = Get-Date
$logfile = ((Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName + "\Groupconnect_log_" + $date.ToFileTime() + ".txt")
$global:Errorfile = ((Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName + "\Groupconnect_error_" + $date.ToFileTime() + ".txt")

#region Load needed PowerShell modules
# Ensure PnP PowerShell is loaded
$minimumVersion = New-Object System.Version("1.3.0")
if (-not (Get-InstalledModule -Name PnP.PowerShell -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion -ErrorAction Ignore)) 
    Install-Module PnP.PowerShell -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PnP.PowerShell -DisableNameChecking -MinimumVersion $minimumVersion

# Ensure Azure PowerShell is loaded
$loadAzurePreview = $false # false to use 2.x stable, true to use the preview versions of cmdlets
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AzureAD))
    # Maybe the preview AzureAD PowerShell is installed?
    if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AzureADPreview))
        install-module azuread
        $loadAzurePreview = $true

if ($loadAzurePreview)
    Import-Module AzureADPreview
    Import-Module AzureAD   

#region Gather group connect run input
# Url of the site collection to remediate
$siteCollectionUrlToRemediate = ""
$siteAlias = ""
$siteIsPublic = $false

# Get the input information
$siteURLFile = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input either single site collection URL (e.g. or name of .CSV file (e.g. sitecollections.csv) ?'
if (-not $siteURLFile.EndsWith(".csv"))
    $siteCollectionUrlToRemediate = $siteURLFile
    $siteAlias = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the alias to be used to group connect this site ?'
    $siteIsPublicString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Will the created Office 365 group be a public group ? Enter True for public, False otherwise'
    $siteClassificationLabel = Read-Host -Prompt 'Classification label to use? Enter label or leave empty if not configured'
        $siteIsPublic = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($siteIsPublicString) 
    catch [FormatException]
        $siteIsPublic = $false
# If we are using a CSV, we'll need to get the tenant admin url from the user or use the hardcoded one
else {
    if ($tenantAdminUrl -eq $null -or $tenantAdminUrl.Length -le 0) {
        $tenantAdminUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the tenant admin site URL (like '

# We'll parse the tenantAdminUrl from site url (unless it's set already!)
if ($tenantAdminUrl -eq $null -or $tenantAdminUrl.Length -le 0) {
    if ($siteURLFile.IndexOf("/teams") -gt 0) {
        $tenantAdminUrl = $siteURLFile.Substring(0, $siteURLFile.IndexOf("/teams")).Replace(".sharepoint.", "-admin.sharepoint.")
    else {
        $tenantAdminUrl = $siteURLFile.Substring(0, $siteURLFile.IndexOf("/sites")).Replace(".sharepoint.", "-admin.sharepoint.")

# Get the tenant admin credentials.
$credentials = $null
$azureADCredentials = $null
$adminUPN = $null
if(![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($credentialManagerCredentialToUse) -and (Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse) -ne $null)
    $adminUPN = (Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse).UserName
    $credentials = $credentialManagerCredentialToUse
    $azureADCredentials = Get-PnPStoredCredential -Name $credentialManagerCredentialToUse -Type PSCredential
    # Prompts for credentials, if not found in the Windows Credential Manager.
    $adminUPN = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter admin UPN"
    $pass = Read-host -AsSecureString "Please enter admin password"
    $credentials = new-object management.automation.pscredential $adminUPN,$pass
    $azureADCredentials = $credentials

if($credentials -eq $null) 
    Write-Host "Error: No credentials supplied." -ForegroundColor Red
    exit 1

#region Connect to SharePoint and Azure
# Get a tenant admin connection, will be reused in the remainder of the script
LogWrite "Connect to tenant admin site $tenantAdminUrl"
$tenantContext = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantAdminUrl -Credentials $credentials -Verbose -ReturnConnection

LogWrite "Connect to Azure AD"
$azureUser = Connect-AzureAD -Credential $azureADCredentials

#region Group connect the site(s)
if (-not $siteURLFile.EndsWith(".csv"))
    # Remediate the given site collection
    GroupConnectSite $siteCollectionUrlToRemediate $siteAlias $siteIsPublic $siteClassificationLabel $credentials $tenantContext $adminUPN
    $csvRows = Import-Csv $siteURLFile
    foreach($row in $csvRows)
        if($row.Url.Trim() -ne "")
            $siteUrl = $row.Url
            $siteAlias = $row.Alias
            $siteIsPublicString = $row.IsPublic
                $siteIsPublic = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($siteIsPublicString) 
            catch [FormatException] 
                $siteIsPublic = $false

            $siteClassification = $row.Classification
            if ($siteClassification -ne $null)
                $siteClassification = $siteClassification.Trim(" ")

            GroupConnectSite $siteUrl $siteAlias $siteIsPublic $siteClassification $credentials $tenantContext $adminUPN

#region Close log files
if ($global:strmWrtLog -ne $NULL)

if ($global:strmWrtError -ne $NULL)

See also