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Embed Feed for networks on the new Yammer

To display feeds from Yammer in your HTML based application, Yammer provides embeddable iFrame widgets that display a snapshot of a specified feed and function as a scaled-down version of Yammer.

To create, customize, and retrieve the code to embed, visit Simply select the type of feed you'd like to embed, fill out the required fields, adjust the customizations, and hit 'Get Code' to retrieve the code to embed into your HTML based application.


To use Embed you need an HTML container 400 pixels or larger in your application.

Usage and Limitations

Using embed, you can display a single My Feed, Community Feed, Topic Feed, User Feed or Web Link Feed (formerly called Open Graph Feed).

Embeds that attempt to access a feed from an external network will be redirected to use the existing classic Yammer Embeds.

Microsoft 365 apps and services will not support Internet Explorer 11 starting August 17, 2021 (Microsoft Teams will not support Internet Explorer 11 earlier, starting November 30, 2020). Learn more. Please note that Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed.

If you plan on embedding a Yammer feed for a large-scale virtual event, please request assistance on this form here. Please give as much advance notice for your event as possible. Requests submitted for an event less than 5 business days away are unlikely to be accommodated. Please note that remote assistance is on a first-come, first-serve basis depending on if we have people free during the time of your event.


We highly recommend you use the widget configuration site to customize your feed and retrieve the code to embed, below are descriptions of the customizations available.

By default will display a header with your network name at the top of the feed, header=true. To hide the header, set header=false.

Network Name

Only available when header is not set or when header=true. By default will display the network name in the header, hideNetworkName=false. To hide the network name, set hideNetworkName=true.

By default will display a footer at the bottom of the feed, with the Yammer logo and an option for user to sign out, footer=true. To hide the footer, set footer=false.

Light/Dark Mode

By default the embedded feeds are in light mode, theme=light. To use dark mode, set theme=dark.

Default Community to Post to

For home and attachable link feeds, preconfigure the community for a user to post to using //are we changing the param name here

Custom Publisher Prompt

For feeds with publishers (home, community, attachable link with default community to post to set), set promptText=“Your custom publisher prompt text here” to override the existing publisher prompt text with your own.

For web link feed only, by default does not display a link preview, if you’d like to display a link preview above the feed, set ShowOpenGraphPreview=true.

Height and Width

Change the height and width configurations in the iFrame script to your liking.

If you'd like to configure the code for yourself, simply append the parameter and value to your URL provided for the ‘src’ (e.g. an Attachable Link Feed with a hidden header would have the ‘src’ URL of
