WCF Relays - List By Namespace
Lists the WCF relays within the namespace.
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/{namespaceName}/wcfRelays?api-version=2024-01-01
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string minLength: 6maxLength: 50 |
The namespace name |
path | True |
string minLength: 1maxLength: 90 |
Name of the Resource group within the Azure subscription. |
path | True |
string |
Subscription credentials which uniquely identify the Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call. |
query | True |
string |
Client API version. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
WCF relays returned successfully. |
Other Status Codes |
Relay error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Sample request
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff/resourceGroups/resourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/example-RelayNamespace-01/wcfRelays?api-version=2024-01-01
Sample response
"value": [
"id": "/subscriptions/ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff/resourceGroups/RG1-eg/providers/Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/example-RelayNamespace-01/WcfRelays/example-Relay-Wcf-01",
"name": "example-Relay-Wcf-01",
"type": "Microsoft.Relay/Namespaces/WcfRelays",
"properties": {
"createdAt": "2017-01-24T00:46:27.0049983Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-01-24T00:46:27.0049983Z",
"relayType": "NetTcp",
"requiresClientAuthorization": true,
"requiresTransportSecurity": true,
"isDynamic": false,
"userMetadata": "usermetadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data for the HybridConnection endpoint.e.g. it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information also user-defined configuration settings can be stored"
Name | Description |
created |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
Error |
The resource management error additional info. |
Error |
The error detail. |
Error |
Error response |
Relaytype |
WCF relay type. |
system |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
Wcf |
Description of the WCF relay resource. |
Wcf |
The response of the list WCF relay operation. |
The type of identity that created the resource.
Value | Description |
Application | |
Key | |
ManagedIdentity | |
User |
The resource management error additional info.
Name | Type | Description |
info |
object |
The additional info. |
type |
string |
The additional info type. |
The error detail.
Name | Type | Description |
additionalInfo |
The error additional info. |
code |
string |
The error code. |
details |
The error details. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
target |
string |
The error target. |
Error response
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error object. |
WCF relay type.
Value | Description |
Http | |
NetTcp |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Name | Type | Description |
createdAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
createdBy |
string |
The identity that created the resource. |
createdByType |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
lastModifiedAt |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
lastModifiedBy |
string |
The identity that last modified the resource. |
lastModifiedByType |
The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
Description of the WCF relay resource.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} |
location |
string |
The geo-location where the resource lives |
name |
string |
The name of the resource |
properties.createdAt |
string (date-time) |
The time the WCF relay was created. |
properties.isDynamic |
boolean |
Returns true if the relay is dynamic; otherwise, false. |
properties.listenerCount |
integer (int32) minimum: 0maximum: 25 |
The number of listeners for this relay. Note that min :1 and max:25 are supported. |
properties.relayType |
WCF relay type. |
properties.requiresClientAuthorization |
boolean |
Returns true if client authorization is needed for this relay; otherwise, false. |
properties.requiresTransportSecurity |
boolean |
Returns true if transport security is needed for this relay; otherwise, false. |
properties.updatedAt |
string (date-time) |
The time the namespace was updated. |
properties.userMetadata |
string |
The usermetadata is a placeholder to store user-defined string data for the WCF Relay endpoint. For example, it can be used to store descriptive data, such as list of teams and their contact information. Also, user-defined configuration settings can be stored. |
systemData |
The system meta data relating to this resource. |
type |
string |
The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces" or "Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs" |
The response of the list WCF relay operation.
Name | Type | Description |
nextLink |
string |
Link to the next set of results. Not empty if value contains incomplete list of WCF relays. |
value |
Wcf |
Result of the list WCF relay operation. |