Policy Events - Next Link
Subsequent post calls to the next link
POST https://management.azure.com{nextLink}?Next paging op for policy events&api-version=2019-10-01
POST https://management.azure.com{nextLink}?Next paging op for policy events&api-version=2019-10-01&$skiptoken={$skiptoken}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Next link for list operation. |
query | True |
string |
Client Api Version. |
query |
string |
Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Query results. |
Other Status Codes |
Error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Query latest at resource group level policy assignment scope with next link
Sample request
POST https://management.azure.com{nextLink}?Next paging op for policy events&api-version=2019-10-01&$skiptoken=WpmWfBSvPhkAK6QD
Sample response
"@odata.nextLink": null,
"@odata.context": "https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/$metadata#default",
"@odata.count": 2,
"value": [
"@odata.id": null,
"@odata.context": "https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/$metadata#default/$entity",
"timestamp": "2018-02-07T22:19:18.8896095Z",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/fff8dfdb-fff3-fff0-fff4-fffdcbe6b2ef/resourceGroups/myrg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myvm1/extensions/DAExtension",
"policyAssignmentId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/1ef5d536aec743a0aa801c1a",
"policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/022d9357-5a90-46f7-9554-21d30ce4c32d",
"effectiveParameters": null,
"isCompliant": false,
"subscriptionId": "fff8dfdb-fff3-fff0-fff4-fffdcbe6b2ef",
"resourceType": "/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
"resourceLocation": "westeurope",
"resourceGroup": "myrg",
"resourceTags": "tbd",
"policyAssignmentName": "1ef5d536aec743a0aa801c1a",
"policyAssignmentOwner": "tbd",
"policyAssignmentParameters": "{}",
"policyAssignmentScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup",
"policyDefinitionName": "022d9357-5a90-46f7-9554-21d30ce4c32d",
"policyDefinitionAction": "audit",
"policyDefinitionCategory": "tbd",
"policySetDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/335cefd2-ab16-430f-b364-974a170eb1d5",
"policySetDefinitionName": "335cefd2-ab16-430f-b364-974a170eb1d5",
"policySetDefinitionOwner": null,
"policySetDefinitionCategory": null,
"policySetDefinitionParameters": null,
"managementGroupIds": "myManagementGroup,fff988bf-fff1-ffff-fffb-fffcd011db47",
"policyDefinitionReferenceId": "15521232277412542086",
"tenantId": "fff988bf-fff1-ffff-fffb-fffcd011db47",
"principalOid": "fff3e452-fff2-fff1-fff8-fff12618f1b8",
"complianceState": "NonCompliant"
"@odata.id": null,
"@odata.context": "https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/$metadata#default/$entity",
"timestamp": "2018-02-07T22:19:18.8896095Z",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/fff8dfdb-fff3-fff0-fff4-fffdcbe6b2ef/resourceGroups/myrg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myvm1/extensions/DAExtension",
"policyAssignmentId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/95816fce53454b15a7ed803d",
"policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/a2c0414b-82e4-459d-97d5-94c79a89232c",
"effectiveParameters": null,
"isCompliant": false,
"subscriptionId": "fff8dfdb-fff3-fff0-fff4-fffdcbe6b2ef",
"resourceType": "/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions",
"resourceLocation": "westeurope",
"resourceGroup": "myrg",
"resourceTags": "tbd",
"policyAssignmentName": "95816fce53454b15a7ed803d",
"policyAssignmentOwner": "tbd",
"policyAssignmentParameters": "{\"allowedLocations\":{\"value\":[\"eastus\"]}}",
"policyAssignmentScope": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/myManagementGroup",
"policyDefinitionName": "a2c0414b-82e4-459d-97d5-94c79a89232c",
"policyDefinitionAction": "audit",
"policyDefinitionCategory": "tbd",
"policySetDefinitionId": "",
"policySetDefinitionName": "",
"policySetDefinitionOwner": null,
"policySetDefinitionCategory": null,
"policySetDefinitionParameters": null,
"managementGroupIds": "myManagementGroup,fff988bf-fff1-ffff-fffb-fffcd011db47",
"policyDefinitionReferenceId": "",
"tenantId": "fff988bf-fff1-ffff-fffb-fffcd011db47",
"principalOid": "fff3e452-fff2-fff1-fff8-fff12618f1b8",
"complianceState": "NonCompliant"
Name | Description |
Component |
Component event details. |
Error |
Error definition. |
Policy |
Policy event record. |
Policy |
Query results. |
Query |
Error response. |
Component event details.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Component Id. |
name |
string |
Component name. |
policyDefinitionAction |
string |
Policy definition action, i.e. effect. |
principalOid |
string |
Principal object ID for the user who initiated the resource component operation that triggered the policy event. |
tenantId |
string |
Tenant ID for the policy event record. |
timestamp |
string (date-time) |
Timestamp for component policy event record. |
type |
string |
Component type. |
Error definition.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Service specific error code which serves as the substatus for the HTTP error code. |
message |
string |
Description of the error. |
Policy event record.
Name | Type | Description |
@odata.context |
string |
OData context string; used by OData clients to resolve type information based on metadata. |
@odata.id |
string |
OData entity ID; always set to null since policy event records do not have an entity ID. |
complianceState |
string |
Compliance state of the resource. |
components |
Components events records populated only when URL contains $expand=components clause. |
effectiveParameters |
string |
Effective parameters for the policy assignment. |
isCompliant |
boolean |
Flag which states whether the resource is compliant against the policy assignment it was evaluated against. |
managementGroupIds |
string |
Comma separated list of management group IDs, which represent the hierarchy of the management groups the resource is under. |
policyAssignmentId |
string |
Policy assignment ID. |
policyAssignmentName |
string |
Policy assignment name. |
policyAssignmentOwner |
string |
Policy assignment owner. |
policyAssignmentParameters |
string |
Policy assignment parameters. |
policyAssignmentScope |
string |
Policy assignment scope. |
policyDefinitionAction |
string |
Policy definition action, i.e. effect. |
policyDefinitionCategory |
string |
Policy definition category. |
policyDefinitionId |
string |
Policy definition ID. |
policyDefinitionName |
string |
Policy definition name. |
policyDefinitionReferenceId |
string |
Reference ID for the policy definition inside the policy set, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
policySetDefinitionCategory |
string |
Policy set definition category, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
policySetDefinitionId |
string |
Policy set definition ID, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
policySetDefinitionName |
string |
Policy set definition name, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
policySetDefinitionOwner |
string |
Policy set definition owner, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
policySetDefinitionParameters |
string |
Policy set definition parameters, if the policy assignment is for a policy set. |
principalOid |
string |
Principal object ID for the user who initiated the resource operation that triggered the policy event. |
resourceGroup |
string |
Resource group name. |
resourceId |
string |
Resource ID. |
resourceLocation |
string |
Resource location. |
resourceTags |
string |
List of resource tags. |
resourceType |
string |
Resource type. |
subscriptionId |
string |
Subscription ID. |
tenantId |
string |
Tenant ID for the policy event record. |
timestamp |
string (date-time) |
Timestamp for the policy event record. |
Query results.
Name | Type | Description |
@odata.context |
string |
OData context string; used by OData clients to resolve type information based on metadata. |
@odata.count |
integer (int32) minimum: 0 |
OData entity count; represents the number of policy event records returned. |
@odata.nextLink |
string |
Odata next link; URL to get the next set of results. |
value |
Query results. |
Error response.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
Error definition. |