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Reports Tab, Options Dialog Box

Contains default initial options and global settings for the Report Designer to use when creating reports.

When you choose Set As Default, which appears on every tab in the Options dialog box, Visual FoxPro saves all the options on all tabs.

Data and output defaults

  • Use private data sessions
    Run the report using a private data session. You can also select Private Data Session from the Report menu. For more information about private data sessions, see How to: Use Data Sessions.

  • Save printer environment
    Save the current printer environment setting with a report. In earlier versions of Visual FoxPro, the printer environment was saved with the report by default. In Visual FoxPro 9, it is not saved by default. For more information, see How to: Save the Printer Environment for Reports.

  • Use DBC field captions
    Use database container (DBC) field captions when you drop fields onto a report.

Expression Builder

  • Always add alias
    Specifies that the table or view name is always included with fields used in the expression.

  • Add non-selected alias only
    Specifies that when more than one table or view is open, Visual FoxPro only includes the name of any table or view that is not selected in the Aliases list of the Data Session Window with any of its fields in the expression. Table or view names are not added for tables that are selected in the Aliases list.

  • Never add alias
    Specifies that table or view names are not included with any field when you create the expression.

Report Engine behavior

Specifies the initial setting of SET REPORTBEHAVIOR when Visual FoxPro starts up.

See SET REPORTBEHAVIOR Command for more information.

  • 80 (Backward compatible)

  • 90 (Object assisted)

Designer defaults

Ruler scale

Specifies the measurement units for the ruler along the top and left edges of the Report Designer or Label Designer window.

  • None
    The rulers are not displayed. The measurement units displayed in various dialog boxes will be in inches.

  • Inches
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in Inches.

  • Centimeters
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in Centimeters.

  • Pixels
    The measurement ruler and other dimensions are displayed in Pixels.

  • System default
    Specifies inches or centimeters as the unit of measurement displayed on the ruler depending on your language setting.

Show position in status bar

Specifies whether to show the mouse cursor position or currently selected control position (in ruler units) in the status bar.


  • Snap to grid
    Align edges of newly drawn controls with the nearest grid lines in the Report Designer. You can also select Snap to Grid from the Format menu to enable this option when in the Designer.

  • Show grid lines
    Specifies whether to display visible snap-to-grid lines in the Designer. The resolution of the visible grid is half that of the actual snap-to grid. (For example, if the Horizontal spacing is set to 12 pixels, the vertical grid lines will be drawn every 24 pixels.) You can also select Grid Lines from the View menu when in the Designer.

  • Horizontal spacing (pixels)
    Specifies the number of pixels to horizontally space each grid section. You can also set horizontal spacing by selecting Set Grid Scale from the Format menu.

  • Vertical spacing (pixels)
    Specifies the number of pixels to vertically space each grid section. You can also set vertical spacing by selecting Set Grid Scale from the Format menu.

Default font

Displays the default font settings for new reports or label layouts. Clicking the ellipsis(…) button opens the Font dialog box so you can select a different default font.

  • Use font script
    Indicates that the language character set be enabled in the Font dialog box, and saved with the report.

    You can choose not to save the specific font script selection with the layout by clearing this check box.

    For more information, see Font Dialog Box.

See Also


How to: View and Change Environment Settings


Options Dialog Box (Visual FoxPro)

Set Grid Scale Dialog Box

Other Resources

Visual FoxPro Environment Settings