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How to: Integrate a Hosted Email Solution in a Sub-Tab


Applies To: Windows Server 2012 Essentials

As with other Dashboard add-ins, you can integrate a sub-tab into your solution. Integrating the sub-tab is fully described in the Create a Top-Level Tab and associated subtopics. You can define the sub-tab with a ListView, a custom WinForm or WPF control, or you can have multiple tabs. You can also define global tasks on the tab. Ultimately, the only feature you may add in here that is unique to a hosted email solution would be a call to the HostedEmailManager interface: other than that, adding a sub-tab is identical to adding a sub-tab for any other Windows Server Essential add-in.


The following code sample describes adding the custom SampleAddInForm Windows Form control (as well as a number of new Global Tasks) to a Dashboard tab. Note that the UI, display name, and description are all located in an associated resource and UI constants file. For the complete sample, see the ContosoHostedEmailAddin project in Quickstart: Creating a Hosted Email Adapter.

namespace Contoso.HostedEmail.DashboardAddin  
    public class SubTabPage : Page  
        public SubTabPage()  
            : base(UIConstants.ContosoServicesSubTab,  
        protected override PageContent CreateContent()  
            return PageContent.Create((content, owner) => new SampleAddinForm(), GlobalTasks.CreateGlobalTasks(), null);  