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Configuring a Server Core installation of Windows Server 2008 R2 with Sconfig.cmd

In Windows Server 2008 R2, in addition to the Dism.exe command, you can use the Server Configuration tool (Sconfig.cmd) to configure and manage several common aspects of Server Core installations. You must be a member of the Administrators group to use the tool.

To start the Server Configuration Tool

  1. Change to the system drive.

  2. Type Sconfig.cmd, and then press ENTER. The Server Configuration tool interface opens:

Domain/Workgroup settings

The current Domain/Workgroup settings are displayed in the default Server Configuration tool screen.


To join a domain

To join a workgroup

  1. Type 1 and press ENTER.

  2. Type W and press ENTER.

  3. Do one of the following:

    If you are currently joined to a workgroup

    1. Type the name of the workgroup to join, and then press ENTER.

    2. You are prompted with “Welcome to the workgroup: workgroup name.” Click OK.

    If you are currently joined to a domain

    1. Type the name of the workgroup to join, and then press ENTER.

    2. You are prompted with “Machine currently joined to domain. Do you want to remove this computer from the current domain now?” Click Yes.

    3. Type an authorized domain\user.

      Example: domain\user1

    4. When prompted, type a password for the user and press ENTER.

    5. You are prompted with “You must restart your computer to apply these changes. Restart now?” Click No.

    6. Type 1 and press ENTER to configure the Hyper-V Server workgroup name.

    7. Type W and press ENTER.

    8. Type the name of the workgroup to join, and then press ENTER.

    9. You are prompted with “Welcome to the workgroup: workgroup name.” Click OK.

  4. Type 11 and press ENTER to restart the computer.

  5. You are prompted with “Are you sure you want to restart?” Click Yes.

Computer name settings

The current computer name is displayed in the default Server Configuration Tool screen.

If joined to a domain

  1. Type 2 and press ENTER to change the computer name.

  2. Type the new computer name, and then press ENTER.

  3. When prompted, type the domain and the name of an authorized user, and then press ENTER.

  4. Type a password for the user and press ENTER.

  5. You are prompted with “You must restart your computer to apply these changes. Restart now?” Click Yes to restart.

If joined to a workgroup

  1. Type 2 and press ENTER to change the computer name.

  2. Type the new computer name, and then press ENTER.

  3. You are prompted with “The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation. The command completed successfully.” Click OK.

  4. You are prompted with “You must restart your computer to apply these changes. Restart now?” Click Yes to restart.

Local administrator settings

Follow these steps to add additional users to the local administrators group.


To add a domain user to the local administrator group

To add a workgroup user to the local administrator group

  1. Type 3 and press ENTER.

  2. Type the user name, and then press ENTER.

    Example: user1

  3. When prompted, type a password for the user, and then press ENTER.

  4. When prompted, type the password a second time, and then press ENTER.

  5. You are prompted with “User added to local Administrators group username.” Click OK.

Network settings

You can configure the IP address to be assigned automatically by a DHCP Server or you can assign a static IP address manually.

To configure network settings

  1. Type 8 and press ENTER.

  2. You are presented with a list of available network adapters that are attached to the server.

  3. Type the index number of the adapter that you want to configure, and then press ENTER.

  4. You are presented with the current configuration for the network adapter that you selected.

  5. Type 1 and press ENTER to configure the IP address for the selected network adapter.

    To receive an IP address from a DHCP server

    1. Type D and press ENTER.

    To assign a static IP address to the network adapter

    1. Type S, and then press ENTER to manually assign a static IP to the network adapter.

    2. Type the desired static IP address, and then press ENTER.

    3. Type the desired subnet mask, and then press ENTER.

    4. Type the desired default gateway, and then press ENTER.


    To configure DNS Server settings for the selected network adapter

    1. Type 2 and press ENTER.

    2. Type the IP address of the desired preferred DNS server, and then press ENTER.

    3. You are prompted with “Preferred DNS server set.” Click OK.

    4. Type the IP address of the desired alternate DNS server, and then press ENTER.

    5. You are prompted with “Alternate DNS Server set.” Click OK.

    To clear the current DNS Server settings

    1. Type 3 and press ENTER.

    2. You are prompted with “DNS Servers removed. DNS Servers will be automatically obtained from network.” Click OK.

  6. Type 4 and press ENTER to return to the default configuration screen.

Windows Update settings

The current Windows Update settings are displayed in the default Server Configuration Tool screen.

To set updates to automatic

  1. Type 5 and press ENTER.

  2. Type A and press ENTER to set updates to automatic.

  3. You are prompted with “Windows Update set to Automatic. System will check for and install updates every day at 3:00AM.” Click OK.

  4. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool and you will see “Automatic” next to “Windows Update Settings.”

To set updates to manual

  1. Type 5 and press ENTER.

  2. Type M and press ENTER to set updates to automatic.

  3. You are prompted with “Windows Update set to Manual. System will never check for updates.” Click OK.

  4. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool and you will see “Manual” next to “Windows Update Settings.”

Update status settings

The current status of software updates is displayed in the default Server Configuration Tool screen. Follow these instructions to download and install updates.


You must be connected to the Internet to receive software updates.

  1. Type 6 and press ENTER to search for updates. A Command Prompt window opens; type A to download all updates.

  2. You are presented with a list of applicable updates. Type Y and press ENTER to download and install all updates.


This may take some time.


You may be prompted with “A restart is required to complete Windows Updates. Restart now?” Click Yes to restart the computer.

  1. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool, where you will see the current software update status next to “Download and Install Updates.“

Remote Desktop settings

The current status of remote desktop settings is displayed in the default Server Configuration Tool screen.

To enable Remote Desktop for clients running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication

  1. Type 7 and press ENTER.

  2. Type E and press ENTER to enable Remote Desktop.

  3. Type 1 and press ENTER to allow only clients running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication to connect.

  4. You are prompted with “Remote Desktop enabled for clients only running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more secure).” Click OK.

  5. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool, where you will see “Enabled (more secure clients only)” next to “Remote Desktop”.

To enable Remote Desktop for clients running any version of Remote Desktop

  1. Type 7 and press ENTER.

  2. Type 2 and press ENTER to allow clients running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure).

  3. You are prompted with “Remote Desktop enabled for clients running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure).” Click OK.

  4. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool, where you will see “Enabled (all clients)” next to “Remote Desktop”.

To disable Remote Desktop

  1. Type 7 and press ENTER.

  2. Type D and press ENTER to disable Remote Desktop.

  3. You are prompted with “Remote Desktop disabled.” Click OK.

  4. You are returned to the Server Configuration Tool, and you will see “Disabled” next to “Remote Desktop.”

Date and time settings

Follow these instructions to change the current date and time settings:

  1. Type 9 and press ENTER to configure or modify the Date and Time options.

  2. You are presented with the Date and Time options control panel.

  3. When you are finished configuring Date and Time options, click OK to apply the changes or Cancel to discard them.

To enable remote management

  1. Type 4 and press ENTER.

  2. Select one of the following remote management options:


Allow MMC Remote Management

  1. Type 3 to allow the computer to be managed by using Remote Server Manager.

  2. When the process is complete, the following message appears “Remote Server Management enabled.” Click OK.

To log off a user

  1. Type 10 and press ENTER to log off the current user.

  2. You are prompted with “Are you sure you want to log off?” Click Yes.

To restart the server

  1. Type 11 and press ENTER to restart the server.

  2. You are prompted with “Are you sure you want to restart?” Click Yes.

To shut down the server

  1. Type 12 and press ENTER to shut down the server.

  2. You will be prompted with “Are you sure you want to shut down?” Click Yes.

To exit to the command line

Type 13 and press ENTER to exit to the command line.


To return to the Server Configuration Tool, type Sconfig.cmd, and then press ENTER.