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New User Dialog Box

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

New User Dialog Box

Item Details

User name

Provides a space for you to type a name to identify the user account. A user name cannot be identical to any other user name or group name on the computer being administered. A user name can contain up to 20 uppercase characters or lowercase characters except for the following:

" / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > @

A user name cannot consist solely of periods (.) or spaces.

Full name

Provides a space for you to type the user's complete name. It is a good idea to establish a standard for full names so that they always begin with either the first name (Kevin F. Browne) or the last name (Browne, Kevin F.).


Provides a space for you to type any text that describes the user account or the user.


Provides a space for you to type a password with up to 14 characters. Passwords are case sensitive.

Confirm password

Provides a space for you to type the password again to confirm it.

User must change password at next logon check box

Specifies whether the user must change the password at the next logon.

User cannot change password check box

Specifies whether the user cannot change the assigned password. This option is usually selected only for accounts that are used by more than one person, such as the Guest account. This setting has no effect on members of the Administrators group.

Password never expires check box

Specifies whether the password will never expire, and overrides the Maximum Password Age setting in the Password policy in Group Policy. Select this option when you assign services, such as Directory Replicator, using Services. This setting overrides User must change password at next logon .

Account is disabled check box

Specifies whether the selected account is disabled.

Additional references

Local user accounts

Create a local user account

Disable or activate a local user account