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Appendix E: Connection Manager and Internet Communication in Windows Server 2008

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

In This Appendix

Benefits and Purposes of Connection Manager in Windows Server 2008

Controlling Connection Manager to Limit the Flow of Information to and from the Internet

Procedures for Installing or Uninstalling the Connection Manager Administration Kit

Additional References

Benefits and Purposes of Connection Manager in Windows Server 2008

Connection Manager in Windows Server 2008 is connection management software that includes a client dialer. It both simplifies and enhances the management of remote connection support.

With Connection Manager, you can create redistributable profiles of connection settings for remote connections to your network service. You can use a network of access points, such as those available worldwide through Internet service providers (ISPs), or provide access through your virtual private network (VPN) server deployment.

Settings for Connection Manager can be created using the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK), and then distributed to users. CMAK is designed for network administrators, information officers, and other team members who are responsible for the design, development, testing, distribution, and support of connection services and settings for users who connect to your Internet or network service.

You can use CMAK so that the set of settings and associated files (called a service profile) required by users to connect to your network can be distributed to your users and easily installed and run. In addition to the support for basic dial-up connections, CMAK also includes support for distributing service profiles for VPN connections to your network through a public network. CMAK can be used to create a VPN connection through a preexisting dial-up session, local area network (LAN), or digital subscriber line (DSL). It includes such information as the tunneling protocols and the VPN server IP address or name that can be used to access your network.

Connection Point Services (CPS) is not included in Windows Server 2008 by default, but can be downloaded from the Web for those who require the Phone Book Service (PBS) to distribute phone books for a Connection manager service profile. For more information, see the TechNet Web site at:

For more information about Connection Manager, see Additional References, later in this appendix.

Controlling Connection Manager to Limit the Flow of Information to and from the Internet

The client component of the Connection Manager software is installed by default on all Windows operating systems. Administrators create and distribute a Connection Manager service profile. The Connection Manager client component (already included in the Windows operating system) uses the connection configuration information in the Connection Manager service profile to establish a remote dial-up or VPN connection to your network.

You can limit the use of Connection Manager by creating and distributing a service profile only to users and administrators who need to use the Connection Manager client to initiate local or remote network access point connections.

For more information about Connection Manager, see Additional References, later in this appendix.

Procedures for Installing or Uninstalling the Connection Manager Administration Kit

The Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK) is not installed by default on Windows Server 2008. Use the following procedures to install or uninstall this feature.

To Install the Connection Manager Administration Kit

  1. If you recently installed Windows Server 2008, and the Initial Configuration Tasks interface is displayed, under Customize This Server, click Add features. Then skip to step 3.

  2. If the Initial Configuration Tasks interface is not displayed and Server Manager is not running, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. (If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.)

    Then, in Server Manager, under Features Summary, click Add Features.

  3. In the Add Features Wizard, select the check box for Connection Manager Administration Kit.

  4. Click Next, and then click Install.

  5. If you are prompted to restart the computer, click OK to complete the installation.

To Uninstall the Connection Manager Administration Kit

  1. If you recently installed Windows Server 2008, and the Initial Configuration Tasks interface is displayed, under Customize This Server, click Add features. Then skip to step 3.

  2. If the Initial Configuration Tasks interface is not displayed and Server Manager is not running, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager. (If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.)

    Then, in Server Manager, under Features Summary, click Remove Features.

  3. In the Remove Features Wizard, clear the check box for Connection Manager Administration Kit.

    In this wizard, you remove a feature by clearing a check box (not checking a check box).

  4. Click Next, and then click Remove.

  5. When prompted, click OK to restart the computer.

Additional References