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Overview of Print and Document Services

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

Print and Document Services is a server role in Windows Server 2008 R2 that enables you to share printers and scanners on a network, set up print servers and scan servers, and centralize network printer and scanner management tasks. You can do these tasks using the Print Management and Scan Management Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins. You can use the snap-ins to monitor network printers and scanners, and to manage Windows print servers and scan servers in your organization.

Managing print and scan resources

There are three primary tools that you can use to manage Windows print servers and scan servers:

  • Server Manager

  • Print Management

  • Scan Management

In Windows Server 2008 R2, you use Server Manager to install the Print and Document Services server role and role services. These role services also install the Print Management and Scan Management snaps-ins.

The Print Management and Scan Management snaps-ins are also available on computers running Windows 7.

Print Management helps you to monitor print queues and receive notifications when print queues stop processing print jobs. It also enables you to migrate print servers and deploy printer connections using Group Policy.

Scan Management enables you to monitor network scanners and scan servers, process scanned documents, and then route the scanned documents to network folders, Windows SharePoint Web sites, and to e-mail recipients.

The Print and Document Services role in Windows Server 2008 R2 includes four relevant role services for managing print and scan resources. The first three role services provide the functionality for a print server, while Distributed Scan Server provides the functionality for a scan server. You can add these role services while you are installing the Print and Document Services role using the Add Roles Wizard for Server Manager. Or you can install them at a later time using the Add Role Services Wizard for Server Manager.


Because Windows 7 is a client operating system, it does not include role services. Instead, it includes the Print Management and Scan Management MMC snap-ins. Windows 7 also includes the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) Print Service role service as an optional Windows feature. Windows 7 does not include the Internet Printing or Distributed Scan Server role services.

Print Server is a role service of the Print and Document Services role, and installs the Print Management snap-in. You can use Print Management to manage multiple network printers or print servers, and migrate printers to and from other Windows print servers.

LPD Service role service

The LPD Service role service that installs and starts the TCP/IP Print Server (LPDSVC) service, which enables UNIX-based computers or other computers that are using the Line Printer Remote (LPR) service to print to shared printers on this server.

Internet Printing role service

The Internet Printing role service in Windows Server 2008 R2 creates a Web site hosted by Internet Information Services (IIS). This Web site enables users to manage print jobs on the server, and to use a Web browser to connect and print to shared printers on the server by using the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). (Users must have Internet Printing Client installed.)

Distributed Scan Server role service

Distributed Scan Server is a role service that installs the Scan Management snap-in. You can use Scan Management to monitor multiple network scanners, configure scan servers, process scanned documents, and then route the scanned documents throughout your network.

Additional references

For more information about the Print and Document Services role, see