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Handling file conflicts

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Handling file conflicts

When you synchronize files, the files that you opened or updated while you were disconnected from the network are compared to the files that are saved on the network. As long as the same files you changed have not been changed by someone else while you were offline, your changes are copied to the network. Following are common file conflict scenarios:

  • If someone else made changes to the same network file that you updated offline, you can choose to keep your version, keep the version on the network, or keep both versions. If you choose to save both versions of the file, you need to provide a different file name for your version of the file.

  • If you delete a network file on your computer while working offline and, in the meantime, someone else on the network is working in that file, the file is deleted from your computer, but it is not deleted from the network.

  • If you change a network file while working offline and someone else on the network deletes that file, you can choose to save your version to the network or delete it from your computer.

  • If you are disconnected from the network when a new file is added to a shared network folder that you have made available offline, that new file will be added to your computer when you reconnect and synchronize.

For more information about synchronizing files with Synchronization Manager, see Synchronizing offline items and Synchronization Manager.