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Windows Firewall Settings: Remote Administration Tools

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Windows Firewall is a stateful host firewall that blocks all unsolicited incoming TCP/IP traffic, including Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) traffic. If you enable Windows Firewall on a server and you want to manage the server with a remote administration tool, usually you must configure Windows Firewall settings on the server so that the server can receive unsolicited traffic from the remote administration tool. You might also have to configure Windows Firewall settings on the computer that is running the remote administration tool if Windows Firewall is enabled on that computer. Although you can configure Windows Firewall settings manually, the recommended method is to use the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW).

To use a remote administration tool with Windows Firewall, you usually need to add a program or port to the Windows Firewall exceptions list. When you add a program or port to the exceptions list, you instruct Windows Firewall to allow unsolicited incoming traffic to reach the specified program or pass through the specified port. In some cases, you might need to configure a registry setting or enable one of the preconfigured Windows Firewall exceptions, such as the File and Printer Sharing exception or the Remote Administration exception.


The Remote Administration exception allows traffic through numerous ports, which can make your computer more accessible to attack. Be sure to read the Windows Firewall documentation so that you understand the risks of using the Remote Administration exception. Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before you make changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

For more information about configuring Windows Firewall exceptions, see Managing Program, Port, and Service Exceptions ( and Help: Understanding Windows Firewall Exceptions ( For more information about SCW, see Security Configuration Wizard Overview on the Microsoft Web site (

Use the A-Z list to find out how to configure Windows Firewall for use with the following remote administration tools.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Active Directory Domains and Trusts (Windows Firewall: domain)

Active Directory Management (Windows Firewall: admgmt)

Active Directory Schema Management (Windows Firewall: schmmgmt)

Active Directory Sites and Services (Windows Firewall: dssite)

Active Directory Users and Computers (Windows Firewall: dsa)

Authorization Manager (Windows Firewall: azman)


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Certificate Templates (Windows Firewall: certtmpl)

Certificates (Windows Firewall: certmgr)

Certification Authority (Windows Firewall: certsrv)

Certutil command (Windows Firewall: certutil)

Cluster Administrator (Windows Firewall: cluadmin)

Cluster command (Windows Firewall: cluster)

Component Services (Windows Firewall: comexp)

Computer Management (Windows Firewall: compmgmt)

Connection Manager Administration Kit Binaries (Windows Firewall: cmbins)

Connection Manager Administration Kit Wizard (Windows Firewall: cmak)


Device Manager (Windows Firewall: devmgr)

Dfscmd command (Windows Firewall: dfscmd)

DHCP (Windows Firewall: dhcpmgmt)

Directory Service Utilities (Windows Firewall: ntdsutil)

Disk Defragmenter (Windows Firewall: dfrg)

Disk Management (Windows Firewall: diskmgmt)

Distributed File System (Windows Firewall: dfsgui)

DNS Management (Windows Firewall: dnsmgmt)

Dsadd command (Windows Firewall: dsadd)

Dsget command (Windows Firewall: dsget)

Dsmod command (Windows Firewall: dsmod)

Dsmove command (Windows Firewall: dsmove)

Dsquery command (Windows Firewall: dsquery)

Dsrm command (Windows Firewall: dsrm)


Event Viewer (Windows Firewall: eventvwr)


Fax client console (Windows Firewall: fxsclnt)

Fax Service Manager (Windows Firewall: fxsadmin)

File Server Management (Windows Firewall: filesvr)


Group Policy Object Editor (Windows Firewall: gpedit)


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IIS Application Management script (Windows Firewall: iisapp)

IIS Backup script (Windows Firewall: iisback)

IIS Configuration script (Windows Firewall: iiscnfg)

IIS FTP script (Windows Firewall: iisftp)

IIS FTP Virtual Directory script (Windows Firewall: iisftpdr)

IIS Help script (Windows Firewall: iisschlp)

IIS Service Extension script (Windows Firewall: iisext)

IIS Virtual Directory script (Windows Firewall: iisvdir)

IIS Web Management script (Windows Firewall: iisweb)

Indexing Service (Windows Firewall: ciadv)

Internet Authentication Service (Windows Firewall: iasmsc)

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Windows Firewall: iis)

IP Security Monitor (Windows Firewall: ipsecmon)

IP Security Policies (Windows Firewall: ipsecpol)


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Local Security Settings (Windows Firewall: secpol)

Local Users and Groups (Windows Firewall: lusrmgr)


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Network Load Balancing Manager (Windows Firewall: nlbmgr)

Network Monitor tools (Windows Firewall: netmon)


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Performance (Windows Firewall: perfmon)

POP3 Service (Windows Firewall: p3server)

Public Key Management (Windows Firewall: pkmgmt)


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Remote Desktops (Windows Firewall: tsmmc)

Remote Storage (Windows Firewall: rsadmin)

Removable Storage Operator Requests (Windows Firewall: ntmsoprq)

Removable Storage (Windows Firewall: ntmsmgr)

Resultant Set of Policy (Windows Firewall: rsop)

Routing and Remote Access (Windows Firewall: rrasmgmt)


Security Configuration and Analysis (Windows Firewall: sca)

Services (Windows Firewall: services)

Shared Folders (Windows Firewall: fsmgmt)


Telephony (Windows Firewall: tapimgmt)

Terminal Services Configuration (Windows Firewall: tscc)

Terminal Services Manager (Windows Firewall: tsadmin)


UDDI Services Console (Windows Firewall: uddi)


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Windows Management Infrastructure (Windows Firewall: wmimgmt)

Windows Media Services (Windows Firewall: wmsadmin)

Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack (Windows Firewall: adminpak)

WINS (Windows Firewall: winsmgmt)

Wireless Monitor (Windows Firewall: wiremon)


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