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Step 2: Submit a Job that Runs ProgressSample.exe

Updated: August 2010

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008 R2

This topic describes how to submit a job that runs ProgressSample.exe, the application that you built in Step 1: Create a C# Sample Project that Sets Progress Information.

Ensure that ProgressSample.exe is accessible to the compute nodes. If ProgressSample.exe is installed on a file share, specify the UNC path to the executable file. For example, \\server_name\c$\Users\Public\ProgressSample.exe.

Submit a job in HPC Job Manager

The following procedure describes how to submit a job that runs ProgressSample.exe in HPC Job Manager. If you are using HPC Cluster Manager to submit the job, use the Job Management view.

To submit ProgressSample.exe by using HPC Job Manager

  1. In Actions, click New Single-Task Job. This opens the New Single-Task Job. dialog box.

  2. In Command line, specify the location of ProgressSample.exe and include the optional arguments to override the default iterations and sleep count. For example, type:

    \\server_name\c$\Users\Public\ProgressSample.exe 40 1000

  3. Click Submit.

Continue to Verification: View Custom Progress Information for a Running Job.

Submit a job in HPC PowerShell or a Command Prompt window

The following table describes how to submit job that runs ProgressSample.exe by using HPC PowerShell or a Command Prompt window. The commands include the optional arguments to override the default iterations and sleep count. Replace \\server_name\c$\Users\Public\ProgressSample.exe with the location of ProgressSample.exe.

HPC PowerShell

New-HpcJob|Add-HpcTask –command ‘\\server_name\c$\Users\Public\ProgressSample.exe 40 1000’|Submit-HpcJob

Command Prompt window

job submit \\server_name\c$\Users\Public\ProgressSample.exe 40 1000

Continue to Verification: View Custom Progress Information for a Running Job.