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View a Recording Status

Applies To: Windows 8.1

After you start a recording in Windows® Performance Recorder (WPR), you can follow the status of the recording as it transpires. This article describes the recording status.

When you start a recording by using the WPR user interface (UI), the recording status immediately displays on the WPR screen. If you start a recording by using the WPR command-line interface, you can view the recording status by using either of the following methods:

  • In the command prompt window, type wpr –status. For more information about this command, see Status.

  • Open the WPR UI. The status of the recording that you started from the WPR command line will display.

For more information about how to use these methods to start a WPR recording, see Start a Recording and WPR Command-Line Options.


WPR can only display a recording’s status if the recording is started by WPR. It cannot display recording status for recordings that are started by Xperf or other applications.

The recording status displays the following information:

  • Recording Time: This is the length of time that the recording has been running.

  • Buffer: This is the buffer size that the recording is using. It is displayed in both MB and percentage of available pooled memory.

  • Events dropped: The number of lost events since the recording was started. For more information about this issue, see Avoid Lost Events.

See Also

