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Uploading Web-based Issue Data to the ACT Database

You can upload your Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool (IECTT) results to the ACT database. The results appear on the Analyze screen of the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM).

Uploading Your Results to the ACT Database

To upload your data to the ACT database

  1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.6, point to Developer and Tester Tools, and then click Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool.

    The Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool screen appears.

  2. Click Upload.

    The Collecting Data dialog box appears, stating that all of the compatibility logging and reporting processes are completing.

  3. Browse to the parent level of your ACT log file directory, and then click Save.


Save your .cab files at the parent level of your ACT log file directory, so that the ACT Log Processing Service automatically processes the files the next time it runs. If you save your .cab files in a different location, you must move them to the parent directory at a later time if you want to review your data in the Application Compatibility Manager.

See Also


Using the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
Internet Explorer Reports
Known Internet Explorer Security Feature Issues
Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool Technical Reference
Development Tools

Other Resources

Testing and Mitigating Issues by Using the Development Tools