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The OID_WW_CDPD_CIRCUIT_SWITCHED OID is obsolete but is still included for informational and historical purposes and to support existing NDIS drivers. Use one of the following OIDs instead:









This OID can be used to query or to set the following device capabilities:

  • Circuit-switched CDPD service connection and channel information

  • Default CDPD service preference and parameters for use in circuit-switched CDPD mode

  • Control of circuit-switched CDPD operation

As a query, this OID requests the miniport driver to return the current state of the circuit-switched CDPD status and settings.

As a set, this OID requests the miniport driver to configure the circuit-switched CDPD parameters.

In either case, this request uses a WW_CDPD_CIRCUIT_SWITCHED structure, defined as follows:

   typedef struct _WW_CDPD_CIRCUIT_SWITCHED { 
              INT service_preference;
              INT service_status;
              INT connect_rate;
              NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC dial_code[20];
              UINT sid;
              INT a_b_side_selection;
              INT AMPS_channel;
              UINT action;
              NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC default_dial[20];
              NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC call_back[20];
              UINT sid_list[10];
              UINT inactivity_timer;
              UINT receive_timer;
              UINT conn_resp_timer;
              UINT reconn_resp_timer;
              UINT disconn_timer;
              UINT NEI_reg_timer;
              UINT reconn_retry_timer;
              UINT link_reset_timer;
              UINT link_reset_ack_timer;
              UINT n401_retry_limit;
              UINT n402_retry_limit;

              UINT n404_retry_limit;
              UINT n405_retry_limit;


The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • service_preference
    Specifies one of the following:

    Value Meaning


    Always use packet switched CDPD.


    Always use CS CDPD via AMPS.


    Always use CS CDPD via PSTN.


    Use circuit switched via AMPS only when packet switched is unavailable.


    Use packet switched only when circuit switched via AMPS is unavailable.

    5 or 6

    Use device-manufacturer-defined service preference.


    Unknown. If this value is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.


  • service_status
    Specifies one of the following:

    Value Meaning


    Packet-switched CDPD.


    Circuit-switched CDPD via AMPS.


    Circuit-switched CDPD via PSTN.


    Unknown. If this value is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.


  • connect_rate
    Specifies the circuit-switched connection rate in bits per second. Zero designates no active connection, and -1 indicates the rate is unknown. If -1 is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.

  • dial_code
    Specifies the dial code last used to dial.

  • sid
    Specifies the current AMPS system ID.

  • a_b_side_selection
    Specifies one of the following:

    Value Meaning


    No AMPS service.


    AMPS "A" side channels selected.


    AMPS "B" side channels selected.


    Unknown. If this value is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.


  • AMPS_channel
    Specifies the AMPS channel in use as a value in the range 1 to 1023. Zero indicates no AMPS service, and -1 indicates the channel or state of AMPS service is unknown. If -1 is specified for a set, the miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA.

  • action
    Specifies one of the following:

    Value Meaning


    No action


    Suspend (hang up)




  • default_dial
    Specifies the default dial code for circuit-switched CDPD service, encoded as defined for CDPD.

  • call_back
    Specifies the number to be used by the circuit-switched CDPD network to call back the mobile unit. This number is encoded per CDPD.

  • sid_list
    Specifies a set of up to ten 16-bit preferred AMPS system IDs for circuit-switched CDPD.

  • inactivity_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, for inactivity before dropping the call.

  • receive_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, to wait for a receive.

  • conn_resp_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, to wait for a connection response.

  • reconn_resp_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, to wait for a reconnection response.

  • disconn_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, to wait for a disconnection.

  • NEI_reg_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, to wait for an NEI registration.

  • reconn_retry_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, for retrying a reconnection.

  • link_reset_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, for resetting a link.

  • link_reset_ack_timer
    Specifies the time-out limit, in seconds, for receiving a link-reset acknowledgment.

  • n401_retry_limit
    As defined for circuit-switched CSPD.

  • n402_retry_limit
    As defined for circuit-switched CSPD.

  • n404_retry_limit
    As defined for circuit-switched CSPD.

  • n405_retry_limit
    As defined for circuit-switched CSPD.

For all xxx_timer members in the preceding structure, anything in the range from 1 to 65535 seconds is theoretically valid, but see the CS-CDPD documentation for specifics.

The dial_code, default_dial, and call_backmembers are of type NDIS_VAR_DATA_DESC, which was defined previously. The values are NULL-terminated ASCII strings.

Indications are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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