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The OID_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_CAPS OID requests the WAN NIC driver to return information for the specified address on the specified line about its telephony capabilities.

Support for this request is mandatory.

This request uses an NDIS_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_CAPS structure, defined as follows, to query the telephony capabilities of a specified address:

typedef struct _NDIS_TAPI_GET_ADDRESS_CAPS {         
         IN ULONG ulRequestID;
         IN ULONG ulDeviceID;
         IN ULONG ulAddressID;
         IN ULONG ulExtVersion;
         OUT LINE_ADDRESS_CAPS LineAddressCaps;

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • ulRequestID

  • ulDeviceID
    Specifies the link or data channel to be queried. This was set up in a preceding OID_TAPI_GET_ID request.

  • ulAddressID
    Specifies the address on the given link for which capabilities should be returned. The value of this member is not validated by NDISTAPI when this request is made.

  • ulExtVersion
    Specifies the version number of the miniport driver-specific extensions to be used. This member is zero if no device-specific extensions are used. Otherwise, the high-order bytes contain the major version number and the low-order bytes contain the minor version number. The value of this member is not validated by NDISTAPI when this request is made.

  • LineAddressCaps
    Specifies the base virtual address of a variable-size structure of type LINE_ADDRESS_CAPS. For more information, see ndistapi.h.

    This structure has at least sizeof(LINE_ADDRESS_CAPS) bytes reserved.

    Upon successful completion of the request, the miniport driver fills this structure with address capabilities information.

The MiniportQueryInformationfunction can return one of the following:









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