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WSD Scan Verify

This manual test verifies that a Web Services on Devices (WSD) scan device complies with the Web Services for Scanner (WS-Scan) Protocol. Specifically it verifies that the device being tested supports WS-Scan events and operations.


For WS-Discovery details, visit WS-Discovery Specification Compliance. For WS-Scan details, visit Scan Service (WS-Scan) Schema.


The test directly communicates with the device over the WS-Scan protocol. It will create the web service connection and then subscribe for WS-Scan Events and attempt WS-Scan Operations. It will also pull scan jobs from the device whether or not they have an active event subscription.

Test details

Associated requirements


See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~2 minutes


Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Scanner Testing Prerequisites.

In addition, this test requires the following:

  • For versions of Windows Server, the “Desktop Experience” Feature must be installed.

  • The “Network Discovery” firewall exception must be enabled on the test host.


The device must be on the same subnet as the test host. It does not have to be installed. If the device only has a document feeder, make sure it is loaded with a document that can be scanned.



For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Imaging Testing

The test can trace the HTTP SOAP messages sent between the device and the test. To generate a trace file, edit the file named “WsdScanVerify.exe.config” in a text editor.

Modify this line in the file:

<MessageTrace TraceDestination="None"/>

The config file contains details on how to set the “TraceDestination” value.

If the test is not logging HTTP SOAP messages, the next step is to perform a network trace between the test host and the device to debug the HTTP connection.



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