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System - Sleep and PNP (disable and enable) with IO Before and After (Certification)

This test cycles the system through various sleep states and performs I/O and basic PNP (disable/enable) on devices before and after each sleep state cycle. For more information, see About the Sleep and PNP (disable and enable) with IO Before and After test.

Any failures logged by this test are filtered out with an automatic erratum. Any stop error or hangs observed during the test run must be addressed.

The goal of this test is to ensure that the test system continues to function properly with the test driver installed and loaded on the system.

Test details

Associated requirements

System.Fundamentals.Reliability.SystemReliability System.Fundamentals.SystemUSB.MustIncludeSuperSpeedPort System.Fundamentals.SystemUSB.USBDevicesandHostControllersWorkAfterPowerCycle System.Fundamentals.SystemUSB.XHCIControllerSaveState System.Fundamentals.SystemUSB.XhciSupportsRuntimePowerManagement

See the system hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows Server 2012 (x64) Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86 Windows Server 2012 R2

Expected run time

~90 minutes






Running the test

For more information, see Device.Fundamentals Reliability Testing Prerequisites.


For troubleshooting information, seeTroubleshooting Device Fundamentals Reliability Testing by using the Windows HCK.

This test returns Pass or Fail. To review test details, review the test log from Windows Hardware Certification Kit (Windows HCK) Studio.

More information


Parameter Description


A WDTF SDEL query that is used to identify the target device(s). For more information about the DQ parameter, see Device Fundamental Test Parameters.


Required ONLY if there is a wired network adapter on the test system AND it does not have an IPv6 gateway address. If determined to be required, please provide an IPv6 address that the NIC can ping to test network I/O (for example: fe80::78b6:810:9c12:46cd).


Number of test cycles.

Default value: 4


IO period (in minutes).

Default value: 1


The SSID of a WPA2 AES wireless network that the test can use to test the WiFi adapter. This is only required if the DUT or one of its child devices is a wireless adapter

Default value: kitstestssid


The password of a WPA2 AES wireless network that the test can use to test the WiFi adapter. This is only required if the DUT or one of its child devices is a wireless adapter

Default value: password


Command syntax

Command Description

TE.exe /inproc /enablewttlogging /appendwttlogging Devfund_Sleep_PNP_DisableEnable_With_IO_BeforeAndAfter_wlk_sysfund.wsc /p:”DQ=[DQ]” /p:”Wpa2PskAesSsid=[Wpa2PskAesSsid]” /p:”Wpa2PskPassword=[Wpa2PskPassword]” /p:”WDTFREMOTESYSTEM=[WDTFREMOTESYSTEM]” /p:”TestCycles=[TestCycles]” /p:”IOPeriod=[IOPeriod]”

Runs the test.




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