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A video capture driver passes DD_DXAPI_GET_CURRENT_VP_AUTOFLIP_SURFACE in the dwFunctionNum parameter of the DxApi function to return the surface handles that are receiving the current video and VBI data from the hardware video port.

Input Parameters

  • lpvInBuffer
    Pointer to a DDGETAUTOFLIPIN structure that contains the required handle information.

Output Parameters

  • lpvOutBuffer
    Pointer to a DDGETAUTOFLIPOUT structure that contains the surface information and the VBI data from the hardware video port.


An error is returned in the ddRVal member of DDGETAUTOFLIPOUT if the hardware video port is not in autoflip mode. This function identifier also returns the polarity of the current field, where the bPolarity member of DDGETAUTOFLIPOUT is set to TRUE if the current field is the even field of an interlaced video signal.

This function identifier can be called at raised IRQL.


Header file: Ddkmapi.h (include Ddkmapi.h)

See also