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StartPage (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function prepares the printer driver to accept data.

int StartPage(   HDChDC);


  • hDC
    [in] Handle to the device context (DC) for the print job.

Return Values

A value greater than zero indicates success. A value less than or equal to zero indicates failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


For Windows CE 1.0 through 2.01, the device context attributes are not retained between a call to EndPage and a call. You must reselect objects and set up the mapping mode again before printing the next page.

For Windows CE 2.10 and later, neither EndPage or StartPage resets the device context attributes. Device context attributes remain constant across subsequent pages. You do not need to re-select objects and set up the mapping mode again before printing the next page; however, doing so produces identical printer output and is compatible with earlier versions of Windows CE.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Wingdi.h.
Link Library: Mgprint.lib.

See Also

EndPage | StartDoc

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