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Modules and Symbols Window (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Modules and Symbols window enables you to load and unload the symbols for a module.

A symbol is a name that represents a register, an absolute value, or a relative or absolute memory address.

Symbols, generated by the compiler, explain the relationship between source and object code. To change symbols, unload the symbols, make your changes, and then use an executable file to reload the symbols.

The Modules and Symbols window provides different information depending on whether the debugger is running, or if it is at a debug stop or breakpoint.

When the Debugger Is Running

The following list describes the columns of information that appear in the Modules and Symbols window when the debugger is running.

  • Module
    Displays the names of modules running on the target device.

  • Image Address Range
    Displays the address range in the memory of the target device where the module is.

  • Module Handle
    Handle to the module.

  • Usage Mask
    Identifies the number of the process that is using the dll.

  • Relocated Data Address Range
    Displays the address range of relocated data.

    If no data was relocated, this field is blank.

  • Status
    Displays the status of the module's debugger symbols.

    Status Description
    Loaded Debugger has loaded debugger symbols.
    Unloaded Debugger has not loaded debugger symbols.
  • Timestamp
    Indicates the timestamp of the most recently loaded symbol file.

  • Trust Level
    Indicates the trust level of the module.

  • Path
    Displays the path where the module is stored on the desktop computer.

  • PDB Path
    Displays the path where debug information produced at link time is stored.

  • PDB Age
    Number of seconds elapsed since PE file porduced.

When Target Control Is Running and the Debugger Is Stopped

The following list describes the columns of information that appear in the Modules and Symbols window when the debugger is stopped and Target Control is running.

  • Module
    Displays the name of all modules running on the target device.

  • Address
    Displays the load address in the memory of the target device where the module is.

  • Module/Process Handle
    Displays the handle for the module or process.

  • InUSE
    Displays the In Use status for the module.

    Executable (.exe) files say Not Available.

Context menu

A context-sensitive shortcut menu appears when you right-click the Module and Symbols window.

Some icons on this menu are also available as toolbar buttons.

This menu contains the following functions:

Item Description
Refresh Deletes all entries in the window and updates the window to contain the most recent entry information.
Auto Refresh on Step Refreshes the window as you step through a process.

Click to turn on or off.

Load Symbols Loads the debugger symbols for the selected module.
Unload Symbols Unloads the debugger symbols for the selected module.
Load All Symbols Loads the debugger symbols for all modules.
Unload All Symbols Unloads the debugger symbols for all modules.
Log Formats and copies all data in this window to the Log tab of the Output window.
Auto Log on Step Copies data in this window to the Output window after each debugging step.

Click to turn on or off.

Debug Zones Opens the Debug Zones dialog box.
List Nearest Symbol Select to bring up the List Nearest Symbols dialog box.
Docking View Switches the active window from docking to nondocking mode.
  • Docking mode. When a window is in docking mode, a check mark appears.

    You can dock the window to the border of the main Platform Builder window, or you can change the window to a floating window that can be moved outside the main Platform Builder window.

    To change the window to a floating window, hold the CTRL key and click on the frame of the window you select.

    This window can be redocked at any time.

  • Nondocking mode. If the window is in nondocking mode, it appears only inside the main Platform Builder window and cannot be docked.
Hide Hides the Modules and Symbols window.

See Also

Debug Zones Dialog Box | Viewing Loaded Symbols

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