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This structure contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW message.



  • hdr
    Handle to an NMHDR structure that contains information about this message.

  • dwDrawStage
    DWORD that specifies the current drawing stage. It is one of the values in the following tables.

    The following table shows the global Drawstage values.

    Value Description
    CDDS_POSTERASE After the erasing cycle is complete.
    CDDS_POSTPAINT After the painting cycle is complete.
    CDDS_PREERASE Before the erasing cycle begins.
    CDDS_PREPAINT Before the painting cycle begins.

    The following table shows the global Drawstage values.

    Value Description
    CDDS_ITEM Indicates that the dwItemSpec, uItemState, and lItemParam members are valid.
    CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE After an item has been erased.
    CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT After an item has been drawn.
    CDDS_ITEMPREERASE Before an item is erased.
    CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT Before an item is drawn.
  • hdc
    Handle to the device context for the control. Use this handle to perform any GDI functions.

  • rc
    RECT structure that describes the bounding rectangle of the area being drawn. This member is used with the header, toolbar, ToolTip, and tree view common controls.

  • dwItemSpec
    DWORD that specifies the item number. This value is control specific, using the item-referencing convention for that control. Additionally, trackbar controls use the following values to identify portions of control.

    Value Description
    TBCD_CHANNEL Identifies the channel that the trackbar control's thumb marker slides along.
    TBCD_THUMB Identifies the trackbar control's thumb marker. This is the portion of the control that the user moves.
    TBCD_TICS Identifies the increment tic marks that appear along the edge of the trackbar control.
  • uItemState
    Specifies the current item state. It can be a combination of the following values.

    Value Description
    CDIS_CHECKED The item is checked.
    CDIS_DEFAULT The item is in its default state.
    CDIS_DISABLED The item is disabled.
    CDIS_FOCUS The item is in focus.
    CDIS_GRAYED The item is grayed.
    CDIS_HOT The item is currently under the pointer (hot).
    CDIS_SELECTED The item is selected.
  • lItemlParam
    Application-defined item data.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also


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