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Thin Client Best Practices (Windows CE 5.0)

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This topic shows best practices for when you create a Thin Client.

Persist the registry

The following list shows the ways in which you can persist the registry:

  • Transfer registry data to and from persistent storage by using WriteRegistryToOEM and ReadRegistryFromOEM respectively.
  • Persist data with the hive-based registry. No work is necessary on boot or shutdown to preserve registry data, with the possible exception that the OEM may need to flush the registry using RegFlushKey if a typical software shutdown is not done. For more information, see Persisting Data with the Hive-Based Registry.
  • Persist data with the RAM-based registry, which supports two different save-and-restore mechanisms to persist registry data when the RAM is not being powered. In addition, the mechanisms can be used to provide protection against invalid data. For more information, see Persisting Data with the RAM-Based Registry.

Implement IOCTLs and OEMIOCTLs

The following list shows tasks that the OS developer should perform to implement the IOCTLs and OEMIOCTLs:

  1. To satisfy the Terminal Services license requirement, you must call GetUUID. For information, see Reading UUIDs.
  2. Use the PLATFORM\CEPC\KERNEL:\HAL\Oemioctl.c as a sample and modify it to meet your needs. For more information, see Providing System Information and OEMIoControl.
  3. Add code for TestDesktopResolution and RestartTerminal. For more information, see Persisting Data with the RAM-Based Registry.

Provide OS, OEM, and terminal properties

The OS developer should enter the OS version, OEM version, and terminal name in PUBLIC\RDP\OAK\UIT\ATLPROP\generalproperties.cpp.

See Also

Thin Client Overview | Thin Client Security | Customizing a Thin Client

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