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Creating a Quick Start Guide for a Device (Windows CE 5.0)

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When users first open the box that contains a new device, they are typically excited and want to explore and use the device immediately. To improve the out-of-box experience for your customer, you can create a Quick Start guide to explain how to set up the device for its initial use, and how to get started using the device.

The following procedure provides general instructions for creating a Quick Start Guide for a device. There are specific instructions for some devices. For more information, see the links at the end of this topic.

Windows CE provides templates that you can use as a starting point to create a customized QuickStart guide. These templates are Microsoft Word files (.doc) that are located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\SDK\Samples\QuickStartGuide directory. Each template is customized for a specific type of device. You can also create a Quick Start Guide without using a template. The following instructions provide guidance for both scenarios.

To create a Quick Start Guide for your device

  1. Read the suggestions in the section Best Practices for a Quick Start Guide.
  2. Determine the sections that you want to include in your Quick Start guide. For suggested sections, see Quick Start Guide Sections.
  3. If you are using one of the Quick Start templates, perform the following steps:
    1. Open the appropriate template from the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\SDK\Samples\QuickStartGuide directory, and then save it to a logical place on your computer.
    2. Change the information on the Start Here page so it is specific to your organization and device.
    3. Change all references to documentation titles and product names so they are specific to your device.
    4. Update the procedures with information that is specific to your device.
    5. Replace all illustrations with illustrations that are specific to your device.

See Also

Developing a Target Device | Creating a Quick Start Guide for a Thin Client

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