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CBaseWindow Class (Windows CE 5.0)

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This class creates a window and a worker thread.

The worker thread pulls messages from the window's input queue and dispatches them as appropriate.

The window and its thread are created by the CBaseWindow::PrepareWindow member function and destroyed by the CBaseWindow::DoneWithWindow member function.

The window should also be initialized by the CBaseWindow::InitialiseWindow member function and uninitialized by the CBaseWindow::UninitialiseWindow member function.

After preparing and initializing a window, size it by using the CBaseWindow::ActivateWindow member function; hide the window using the CBaseWindow::InactivateWindow member function.

Protected Data Members

Member Description
m_bActivated Flag to indicate window activation status.
m_bBackground Not supported in Windows CE.
m_bDoGetDC Not supported in Windows CE.
m_bNoRealize Not supported in Windows CE.
m_bRealizing Not supported in Windows CE.
m_ClassStyles Class styles for the window.
m_hdc Not supported in Windows CE.
m_Height Not supported in Windows CE.
m_hInstance Global module instance handle.
m_hPalette Not supported in Windows CE.
m_hThread Worker thread for the window.
m_hwnd Handle for this object's window.
m_MemoryDC Not supported in Windows CE.
m_pClassName Static string holding the class name.
m_RealizePalette Not supported in Windows CE.
m_ShowStageMessage Not supported in Windows CE.
m_ShowStageTop Not supported in Windows CE.
m_SyncWorker CAMEvent data member used to provide interthread synchronization.
m_SyncWorkerCreate CAMMsgEvent data member used to signal the constructor for the window class when to create the window.
m_ThreadSignal Data member used by the thread to signal errors.
m_Width Not supported in Windows CE.
m_WindowLock Data member used to serialize window object access.
m_WindowStyles Data member used to serialize the initial window styles.
m_WindowStylesEx Data member used to serialize the initial extended window styles.

Member Functions

Member function Description
CBaseWindow Constructs a CBaseWindow object.
DoSetWindowForeground Not supported in Windows CE.
DoShowWindow Not supported in Windows CE.
GetMemoryHDC Not supported in Windows CE.
GetWindowHDC Not supported in Windows CE.
GetWindowHeight Not supported in Windows CE.
GetWindowHWND Retrieves the window handle for the window.
GetWindowWidth Not supported in Windows CE.
PaintWindow Not supported in Windows CE.
PerformanceAlignWindow Not supported in Windows CE.

Overrideable Member Functions

Member function Description
ActivateWindow Sizes the window according to the requirements of the derived class.
DoneWithWindow Closes, deletes, and frees the window resources.
DoRealisePalette Not supported in Windows CE.
PossiblyEatMessage Forwards keyboard and mouse messages to a specified window.
GetClassWindowStyles Retrieves class and window information.
GetDefaultRect Not supported in Windows CE.
InactivateWindow Hides the window.
InitialiseWindow Creates the default device contexts.
OnClose Handles the WM_CLOSE message for the base class.
OnPaletteChange Not supported in Windows CE.
OnSize Not supported in Windows CE.
OnReceiveMessage Indicates a base class implementation of a window procedure.
PrepareWindow Initializes the window along with a worker thread.
SetPalettee Not supported in Windows CE.
UninitialiseWindow Destroys the device contexts created for the window.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

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