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DirectShow Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section describes the Microsoft® DirectShow® enumerated data types.

Programming element Description
AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS Specifies values for the dwSampleFlags member of the AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES structure.

These values describe the properties of media samples.

AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS Indicates whether various components of the AM_STREAM_INFO structure have been set.
AMVP_MODE Specifies the various modes for video ports (VP).
AnalogVideoStandard Specifies the format of the baseband analog video signal.
FILTER_STATE Specifies a filter's state.
KS_AM_KSPROPSETID_TSRateChange defines a set of properties to effect time stamp rate changes.
Merit Defines the order in which the Filter Graph Manager tries filters during graph building.
MPEG2Level Indicates the MPEG-2 video level as specified in the MPEG-2 video standard. (ISO13818-2)
MPEG2Profile Indicates the MPEG-2 video profile as specified in the MPEG-2 video standard. (ISO13818-2)
PIN_DIRECTION Indicates a pin's direction.
QualityMessageType Describes a quality message type.
StreamControlState Specifies the state of the stream.
STRMBUF_CAPTURE_MODE Identifies the type of recording for DVR applications.
STRMBUF_PLAYBACK_TUNE_POLICY Identifies the tuning policy during playback in DVR applications.
STREAMBUFFER_EC This enumeration is used by the Digital Video Recorder to communicate with your application.

See Also

DirectShow Reference

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