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Platform Manager and the SDK (Windows CE 5.0)

You can create an SDK that provides information to Platform Manager about the tools and transport options that Platform Builder has included in the target OS design.

Platform Manager is a communications technology that manages how a desktop computer interacts with a target device. Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ and Visual Studio operate through Platform Manager to download applications and run-time images to your target device.

Platform Manager also connects your target device to debugging tools that are available on the desktop computer.

**Note   **Core Connectivity replaces Platform Manager and provides a connectivity infrastructure that is similar to the infrastructure that Platform Manager provides. Use the Core Connectivity API. In Windows CE 5.0, do not use the Platform Manager API except in code that does not need to be compatible with future releases of Windows CE. For more information about Core Connectivity, see Core Connectivity Infrastructure.

Your SDK must contain at least one transport layer for communication with the target device.

For more information about Platform Manager, see Platform Manager.

See Also

Selecting the Supported Transport Layers for an SDK | Selecting the Startup Servers for an SDK | SDK Development | Remote Tools | Custom Transport Layer Additions to an SDK | Startup Server Additions to an SDK

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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