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The RDF_IOCTL_VENDOR callback function performs vendor-specific IOCTL operations. This callback function is optional.



  • SmartcardExtension
    [in] Points to the smart card extension of the device. SmartcardExtension->MajorIoControlCode contains a vendor-specific IOCTL code. Refer to the macro SCARD_CTL_CODE in Winsmcrd.h for information on how to define a vendor-specific IOCTL code. Vendor-specific codes must be between 2048 and 4095. SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBuffer points to the user's input buffer. SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.RequestBufferLength contains the size of the user's input buffer. SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBuffer points to the user's output buffer. SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.ReplyBufferLength contains the size of the user's output buffer.

    On output, SmartcardExtension->IoRequest.Information must be set to the number of bytes returned.

Return Values

This function returns an NTSTATUS value. The value returned depends upon the function performed, because RDF_IOCTL_VENDOR is a vendor-defined IOCTL call. Possible values are the following.

Value Description
STATUS_SUCCESS Function successfully executed.
STATUS_NO_MEDIA No card is in the reader.
STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT The request has timed out.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The user's reply buffer is too small.
STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST The request is not valid for this IOCTL.
STATUS_PENDING The operation is pending.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Smclib.h.

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