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PC Authentication Application Development (Windows CE 5.0)

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The PC Authentication Catalog item provides a Windows CE Local Authentication Plugin (LAP) that performs user authentication by determining if a specific desktop computer running Windows is locked or unlocked. It does this by using the network to query an application, also provided by this Catalog item, that runs on that specific desktop computer.

The Telephony User Interface (TUI) uses this LAP and desktop computer application to avoid requiring user input when the desktop computeris unlocked and a phone user asks for confidential information. For more information about how the TUI uses this Catalog item, see Limiting Access to Sensitive Information in the TUI.

For more information about LAPs and the Windows CE Local Authentication Subsystem (LASS), see Local Authentication Subsystem (LASS).

For more information about building an IP phone using Windows CE, including links to other VoIP-related Catalog items, see Developing an IP Phone.

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PC Authentication

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