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DDSCAPSEX (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains the extended surface capabilities as defined by the application. This structure can be used as a comparison against the DDSCAPS2 structure that is set by the driver.

typedef struct _DDSCAPSEX {  DWORD dwCaps2;  DWORD dwCaps3;  DWORD dwCaps4;} DDSCAPSEX, FAR* LPDDSCAPSEX;


  • dwCaps2
    Additional surface capabilities. This member can contain one or more of the following capability flags. Each of these flags, except DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE, is set by the application when the application calls its CreateSurface method.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE Indicates that the driver must do whatever is necessary to match the video port frame rate with the device frame rate.

    The DDSCAPS_VIDEOPORT and DDSCAPS_OVERLAY flags in the DDSCAPS2 structure must also be set.

    DDSCAPS2_HINTANTIALIASING Indicates that the application intends to use antialiasing.

    This flag is only valid if the DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE flag is also set.

    DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC Indicates to the driver that the application will be updating the surface frequently.

    Surfaces with this flag set must also have the DDSCAPS_TEXTURE flag in the DDSCAPS2 structure set.

    This flag cannot be used with the DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC or DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE flags.

    DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC Indicates to the driver that the application will be updating the surface infrequently, but still requires access. Surfaces with this flag set must also have the DDSCAPS_TEXTURE flag in the DDSCAPS2 structure set.

    This flag cannot be used with the DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC or DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE flags.

    DDSCAPS2_OPAQUE Indicates to the driver that the application will never lock, blit, or update the surface for the rest of that surface's lifetime.

    The driver is therefore free to compress or reorder the surface without ever having to decompress it.

    Surfaces with this flag set must also have the DDSCAPS_TEXTURE flag in the DDSCAPS2 structure set.

    This flag cannot be used with the DDSCAPS2_HINTDYNAMIC or DDSCAPS2_HINTSTATIC flags.

    DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE This flag is used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
  • dwCaps3 and dwCaps4
    Not currently used.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddraw.h.

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