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ScriptString_pSize (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function returns a pointer to a SIZE structure for an analyzed string.

const SIZE* WINAPI ScriptString_pSize(  SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa);


Return Values

If the function is successful, it returns a pointer to the size (width and height) of an analyzed string.

If the function fails, it returns NULL.


The size returned by ScriptString_pSize is the size before the effect of the justification requested by setting the SSA_FIT flag in ScriptStringAnalyse. The difference between iReqWidth in ScriptStringAnalyse and the size returned by ScriptString_pSize is the effect of justification.

The SIZE pointer remains valid only until the associated ssa is passed to ScriptStringFree.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Usp10.h.
Link Library: Uspce.lib.

See Also

ScriptStringAnalyse | ScriptStringFree | SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS | SIZE

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