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OEMEthQueryClientInfo (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function retrieves platform-specific information for debug Ethernet services. This function is no longer required. For information about new debug communication settings, see the KITLTRANSPORT structure.

BOOL OEMEthQueryClientInfo(UCHARId,EDBG_ADDR* pPeerAddr,PUCHARpWindowSize,PUCHAR* ppBufferPool );


  • Id
    [in] Service identifier, which can be one of the EDBG_SVC_* values defined in Ethdbg.h.

    Value Description
    EDBG_SVC_DBGMSG Debug messages.
    EDBG_SVC_PPSH Parallel port text shell and file system supported by Target Control.
    EDBG_SVC_KDBG Kernel debugger.
  • pPeerAddr
    [out] Peer Ethernet IP address and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number.

    If the address information is not known, pPeerAddr should be set to zero.

    This information is contained in the JUMPING command sent by the development workstation, and is typically saved in RAM by the boot loader.

  • pWindowSize
    [out] Client window size.

  • ppBufferPool
    [out] Packet buffer pool address.

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the requested service is supported on the target device; otherwise, this function returns FALSE.


The EDBG subsystem calls OEMEthQueryClientInfo when default Ethernet services are configured. Examples of these services include debug messages, target control debugging, and kernel debugger.

The platform needs to return address information and a buffer pool for the specified client. The buffers are used for formatting and receiving EDBG packets. Each buffer pool is divided into two buffers: a receive buffer and a transmit buffer.

You can specify a smaller window size to consume less memory, but the protocol is less efficient. The standard window size is EDBG_WINDOW_SIZE and the maximum window size is EDBG_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE. The amount of memory required per client is 2*(window size)*1500 bytes.

To reserve a separate memory location for loading the Windows CE OS image, edit the Config.bib binary image builder file.

Loading the OS image into a separate memory location prevents the Ethernet boot loader from being overwritten. It also sets aside in the .bib file the necessary RAM for the packet buffers used by the EDBG library.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Halether.h.
Link Library: Hal.lib.

See Also


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