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Simplified Chinese MSPY 3.0 IME Configuration Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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Windows CE uses the registry to store various settings for the Simplified Chinese MSPY 3.0 IME. You can use the registry to change the following settings for the Simplified Chinese MSPY 3.0 IME support in your run-time image:

  • End-user-defined Phrase (EUDP) support
  • Candidate list accelerator behavior
  • Default input mode
  • Status window behavior
  • Candidate list orientation
  • Property UI behavior
  • Auto-switch input mode according to SIP state

The following table shows the named values for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CHSIME03 registry key.

Value: type Description
ModeConfig : REG_DWORD Specifies a combination of bits for EUDP and Pinyin input mode.

The following combinations of bits are possible:

  • 0x10100000: Sets the input mode to Shuang Pin and enables EUDP.
  • 0x10000000: Sets the input mode to Shuang Ping and disables EUDP.
  • 0x00100000: Sets the input mode to full Pinyin and enables EUDP. Default.
  • 0x00000000: Sets the input mode to Full Pinyin and disables EUDP.
AutoCandAccel : REG_DWORD Specifies the display behavior of the accelerator in the candidate list.

If this value is set to 0, the accelerator is always visible and functional.

If this value is set to 1, the accelerator is visible and functional when the Software-based Input Panel (SIP) is inactive and hidden when the SIP is active. Default.

ShowState : REG_DWORD Specifies whether the MSPY 3.0 status window is displayed or hidden.

If this value is set to 0, the status window is hidden.

If this value is set to 1, the status window is displayed. Default.

Vertical : REG_DWORD Specifies the orientation of the candidate list.

If this value is set to 0, the orientation of the candidate list is horizontal. Default.

If this value is set to 1, the orientation of the candidate list is vertical.

NoPropertyUI : REG_DWORD Specifies it the property UI is displayed or hidden. If the property UI is set to be displayed, a Property button is located on the status window.

If this value is set to 0, a Property button is displayed on the status bar. Default.

If this value is set to 1, no Property button is displayed.

Note   The user cannot modify any preset properties.
If the status window is set to be hidden in the registry, the property UI is not available, even though it is specified to be displayed.
SIPUpPinyinType : REG_DWORD Specifies the input mode when SIP is activated. The following values are possible:
  • 0: MSPY does not automatically switch the input mode when SIP is activated. Default.
  • 1: MSPY switches to Full Pinyin mode when SIP is activated.
  • 2: MSPY switches to Shuang Pin mode When SIP is activated.
SIPDnPinyinType : REG_DWORD Specifies the input mode when SIP is deactivated. The following values are possible:
  • 0: MSPY does not automatically switch the input mode when SIP is deactivated. Default.
  • 1: MSPY switches to Full Pinyin mode when SIP is deactivated.
  • 2: MSPY switches to Shuang Pin mode when SIP is deactivated.

See Also

Chinese (Simplified) Registry Settings

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