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CeLogExportTable (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains function pointers to the functions required by the event–tracking engine.

typedef struct _CeLogExportTable {DWORD dwVersion;PFNVOID pfnCeLogData;PFNVOID pfnCeLogInterrupt;PFNVOID pfnCeLogSetZones;FARPROC pfnCeLogQueryZones;DWORDdwCeLogTimerFrequency;} CeLogExportTable;


  • dwVersion
    Version of this structure.

    Must be set to 2.

  • pfnCeLogData
    Pointer to the DLL's version of CeLogData.

  • pfnCeLogInterrupt
    Pointer to the DLL's version of CeLogInterrupt.

  • pfnCeLogSetZones
    Pointer to the DLL's version of CeLogSetZones.

  • pfnCeLogQueryZones
    Pointer to the CeLogQueryZones function implemented by the DLL.

  • dwCeLogTimerFrequency
    The frequency of the performance counter used to generate the timestamps in the event tracking log.


CeLogExportTable is used to create a replacement DLL for Celog.dll, which performs the default system event tracking functionality.

CeLogExportTable is passed to the kernel in an IOCTL call to the KernelLibIoControl function to register the service.

The timer frequency used to generate timestamps in the log is not necessarily equal to the return value from QueryPerformanceFrequency.

The dwCeLogTimerFrequency value is used by the kernel to set the dwFrequency value in the CEL_LOG_MARKER event structure.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.

See Also

CeLogData | CeLogInterrupt | CEL_LOG_MARKER | CeLogSetZones | CeLogQueryZones | KernelLibIoControl | QueryPerformanceFrequency

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