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x86 SDB Boot Floppy Disk Contents (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the minimum set of files required on the x86 standard development board (SDB) boot floppy disk.

File Description
Autoexec.bat Batch file that Microsoft MS-DOS requires. Command file that MS-DOS requires.
Config.sys System file that MS-DOS requires.
Drvspace.bin Binary file that adjusts the settings in the Drvspace.ini file to mount a drive.
Eboot.bin Binary file that constitutes the Ethernet boot loader.

Eboot.bin is identical to Eboot.bix, except that Eboot.bix is compressed.

Himem.sys System file that MS-DOS requires.
Io.sys System file that MS-DOS requires.
LoadCEPC.exe Executable file that loads the boot loader image.
Msdos.sys System file that MS-DOS requires.
Readme.txt Informational text file.
Sboot.bin Binary file that constitutes the serial boot loader. MS-DOS application file.
Vesatest.exe MS-DOS file that tests the VGA BIOS on the video card to ensure compatibility with the Windows CE–based default display driver. The Readme.txt file provides additional information about this file.

See Also

Editing the Autoexec.bat File for an x86 SDB

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