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KatoGetServer (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function queries Kato to see if it is connected to the CETK server and optionally returns the name of the server.

BOOL KatoGetServer(LPTSTRszServer,INTnCount ); 


  • szServer
    String buffer to receive the name or IP address of the computer that Kato is connected to. A value of NULL can be used if the server computer is not needed.
  • nCount
    Pointer to a variable that specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the buffer. This value should be large enough to contain MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters.

Return Values

Nonzero if Kato is connected to a server; otherwise zero.


You can use this function in an application to query Kato to see if it is currently connected to a server.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Kato.h.
Link Library: Kato.lib.

See Also

Kato Logging Engine

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