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Using the Remote Configuration Tool to Configure the File Server (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you have downloaded your file server run-time image to your CEPC, you can test the file server by launching the file server configuration page from your client computer.

To configure your file server using the remote configuration page

  1. On the CEPC, start Internet Explorer, and type the following address in the address bar:


    The Windows CE Remote Management Tool appears.

  2. On the Device Log On page, choose a password, type it in the Password and Verification fields, and choose Apply. The EnterNetwork Password dialog box appears.

  3. In the Enter Network Password dialog box, in the User Name box, type admin, in the Password box, type the password you created in Step 2, and then choose OK. A new page appears asking you to name your device.

  4. In the Device Name box, type fileserver and then choose Apply.

  5. In the left column, choose Add/Del User. The Use this page to Add/Delete users appears.

  6. In the User box, under Add/Modify User, type testuser, type a password, verify the password, and then choose Add New.

  7. On the left column, choose Add/Del Share. The Use this page to add and remove shares page appears with a list of all the folders that can be shared.

  8. To the right of the \Windows directory, type root in the box , and then choose Add.

  9. Choose Permissions.

  10. Select the Allow checkbox beside testuser, choose Update, and then choose Close.

  11. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for the \Temp directory using "root2" as the name for this root directory.

  12. In the left column, under Device Management, choose Add/Del Network Adapter.

  13. Verify that VMINI1 is listed under Adapters enabled for File Server and that the checkbox to the left is selected.

See Also

How to Configure a File Server

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