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This structure contains the global DirectDrawPalette data that can be shared between object instances.



  • dwRefCnt**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwFlags**
    Contains the palette control flags.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDRAWIPAL_16 Indicates a 16-entry palette.
    DDRAWIPAL_2 Indicates a 2-entry palette.
    DDRAWIPAL_256 Indicates a 256-entry palette.
    DDRAWIPAL_4 Indicates a 4-entry palette.
    DDRAWIPAL_ALLOW256 Indicates that the palette can be fully updated.
    DDRAWIPAL_ALPHA Indicates that the palette contains alpha.
    DDRAWIPAL_DIRTY Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWIPAL_EXCLUSIVE Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWIPAL_GDI Indicates that the palette is allocated through GDI.
    DDRAWIPAL_INHEL Used by DirectDraw and should not be set by the driver.
    DDRAWIPAL_STORED_8 Indicates that the palette is stored as 8 bits per pixel (bpp) per entry.
    DDRAWIPAL_STORED_8INDEX Indicates that the palette is stored as an 8-bit index into the destination palette.
    DDRAWIPAL_STORED_16 Indicates that the palette is stored as 16 bpp per entry.
    DDRAWIPAL_STORED_24 Indicates that the palette is stored as 24 bpp per entry.
  • lpDD_lcl**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwProcessId**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • lpColorTable**
    Pointer to an array of PALETTEENTRY structures that contain the RGB values that are the colors in the palette.

  • dwReserved1**
    Reserved for use by the display driver.

  • hHELGDIPalette**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.

  • dwDriverReserved**
    Reserved for use by the hardware abstraction layer (HAL), regardless of what created the object.

  • dwContentsStamp**
    Incremented when the palette changes.

  • dwSaveStamp**
    Used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also

PALETTEENTRY | DirectDrawPalette Structures

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