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This structure contains information necessary for updating an overlay surface. This structure passes the information to the DirectDraw hardware abstraction layer (DDHAL) UpdateOverlay callback function.



  • lpDD**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL structure that represents the DirectDraw object.

  • lpDDDestSurface**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL structure that represents the surface that is being overlaid.

  • rDest
    Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the x, y, width, and height of the region on the destination surface.

  • lpDDSrcSurface**
    Pointer to the DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_LCL structure that represents the DirectDraw overlay surface.

  • rSrc**
    Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the x, y, width, and height of the region on the source surface.

  • dwFlags**
    Overlay FX control flags.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDOVER_ALPHADEST Uses the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for the destination overlay.
    DDOVER_ALPHADESTCONSTOVERRIDE Uses the dwConstAlphaDest member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the destination alpha channel for this overlay.
    DDOVER_ALPHADESTNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases.
    DDOVER_ALPHADESTSURFACEOVERRIDE Uses the lpDDSAlphaDest member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel destination for this overlay.
    DDOVER_ALPHAEDGEBLEND Uses the dwAlphaEdgeBlend member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel for the edges of the image that border the color key colors.
    DDOVER_ALPHASRC Uses the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the source surface as the source alpha channel for this overlay.
    DDOVER_ALPHASRCCONSTOVERRIDE Uses the dwConstAlphaSrc member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the source alpha channel for this overlay.
    DDOVER_ALPHASRCNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases.
    DDOVER_ALPHASRCSURFACEOVERRIDE Uses the lpDDSAlphaSrc member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel source for this overlay.
    DDOVER_HIDE Turns this overlay off.
    DDOVER_KEYDEST Uses the color key associated with the destination surface.
    DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE Uses the dckDestColorkey member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the color key for the destination surface.
    DDOVER_KEYSRC Uses the color key associated with the source surface.
    DDOVER_KEYSRCOVERRIDE Uses the dckSrcColorkey member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the color key for the source surface.
    DDOVER_SHOW Turns this overlay on.
    DDOVER_ADDDIRTYRECT Adds a dirty rectangle to an emulated overlayed surface.
    DDOVER_REFRESHDIRTYRECTS Redraws all dirty rectangles on an emulated overlayed surface.
    DDOVER_REFRESHALL Redraws the entire surface on an emulated overlayed surface.
    DDOVER_DDFX Uses the overlay FX flags to define special overlay FX.
    DDOVER_AUTOFLIP Autoflips the overlay when ever the video port autoflips.
    DDOVER_BOB Displays each field of video port data individually without causing any jittery artifacts.
    DDOVER_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE Indicates other interfaces should not override bob and weave operations.
    DDOVER_INTERLEAVED Indicates that the surface memory is composed of interleaved fields.
    DDOVER_BOBHARDWARE Indicates that hardware, not software or emulation, performs a bob operation.
  • overlayFX**
    Pointer to a DDOVERLAYFX structure that contains the overlay data.

  • ddRVal**
    Passes the DirectDraw return values.

  • UpdateOverlay**
    This member is used by DirectDraw and should not be filled in by the driver.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also


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