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This command permits the caller to query the recording date value stored internally in the VCR subunit, query the recording date value stored on an inserted medium, or to set the current internally stored recording date.


  • Command
    This must be set to AVC_VCR_CMD_RECORDING_DATE.
  • CommandType
    If the caller wants to query the current setting, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Status. If the caller wants to set the VCR subunit to a specific date, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Control.
  • u.RecordingDate.PresetValues
    If the caller is attempting to set the current recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field determines whether the query is against the internally stored date, or the date on an inserted medium. If set to TRUE, the preset value, or internally-stored value is read. If set to FALSE, the date on the medium is read.
  • u.RecordingDate.DaylightSavingsTime
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to TRUE if daylight-saving time was in force at the time of recording.
  • u.RecordingDate.TimeZone
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to the number of hours the caller is offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). This field has the range of 0 to 23, inclusive.
  • u.RecordingDate.TimeZoneOffset
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to TRUE to indicate that an extra 30 minutes should be added into the u.RecordingDate.TimeZone field.
  • u.RecordingDate.Day
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to the day of the month. This field has the range of 1 to 31, inclusive.
  • u.RecordingDate.Weekday
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to one of the following flags:
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Sunday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Monday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Tuesday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Wednesday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Thursday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Friday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Saturday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_No_Information_Available
  • u.RecordingDate.Month
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to one of the following flags:
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_January
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_Februrary
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_March
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_April
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_May
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_June
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_July
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_August
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_September
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_October
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_November
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_December
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_No_Information_Available
  • u.RecordingDate.Year
    If the caller is attempting to query the recording date, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the recording date, this value should be set to the two-digit representation of the current year. This field has a range of 0 to 99, inclusive, or in the event that a year value is unavailable, can be set to RECORDING_DATE_Year_No_Information_Available.

Return Values

  • ResponseCode
    The VCR subunit will return a specific value in this value, depending on the requested action and the capabilities of the subunits. A successful query may result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_STABLE, while a successful control attempt will result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED. Other values are possible and are discussed in the description of IOCTL_VCR_AVCCMD.
  • u.RecordingDate.DaylightSavingsTime
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains a Boolean value that determines whether daylight-saving time was in effect at the point when the recording date was set.
  • u.RecordingDate.TimeZoneOffset
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains a Boolean value that determines whether an extra 30 minutes should be considered when calculating the number of hours from GMT the current setting is. That is, the current time zone offset from GMT is the contents of u.RecordingDate.TimeZone + 30 minutes if u.RecordingDate.TimeZoneOffset is set.
  • u.RecordingDate.TimeZone
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains the number of hours away from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) the setting was. This field has a range from 0 to 23.
  • u.RecordingDate.Day
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains the day of the month of the requested recording date. This field has a range of 1 to 31.
  • u.RecordingDate.Weekday
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains one of the following flags:
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Sunday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Monday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Tuesday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Wednesday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Thursday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Friday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_Saturday
    • RECORDING_DATE_Weekday_No_Information_Available
  • u.RecordingDate.Month
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains one of the following flags:
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_January
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_Februrary
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_March
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_April
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_May
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_June
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_July
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_August
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_September
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_October
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_November
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_December
    • RECORDING_DATE_Month_No_Information_Available
  • u.RecordingDate.Year
    If the caller was attempting to control the controlling date, this field has no significance. If the caller was attempting to issue a recording date query, this field contains the two-digit year of the recording date. This field has a range of 0 to 99. If no information was available, the value of RECORDING_DATE_Year_No_Information_Available is also a possible return value.


Although reviewing the AV/C VCR Subunit Specification is an excellent resource for interpreting some of the details of these commands, it is not a conclusive guide. For example, all BCD values in the protocol are automatically translated for the caller by the TVPAK VCR subunit driver, and the caller should never expect nor provide a BCD value for a field.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Avc_vcr.h.

See Also


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