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Keywords for a Script for the Graphics Device Interface Performance Test (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows keywords that you can use with any test case in a script file for the Graphics Device Interface Performance Test.

Keyword Acceptable value Description
Iterations A positive integer Specifies the number of times that the benchmark engine samples a particular test case.

By default, the number of iterations depends on the standard deviation of an initial sample.

Confidence An integer between 0 and 100, inclusive Specifies the sensitivity of a test case to the standard deviation of a function. The higher the value that you specify for Confidence, the longer the test case runs.

The default value for Confidence is 75.

MaxRunTime A value greater than zero Specifies, in minutes, the maximum time for which a test case can run.

The default value is 10 minutes.

FlushICache 0 or 1 If set to 1, specifies that the instruction cache be flushed between test runs.
FlushDCache 0 or 1 If set to 0, specifies that the instruction cache be flushed between test runs.
RgnRects (left, top, right, bottom), (left, top, right, bottom), ... Specifies the location of the sides of each rectangle.
MinNumberOfRgns An integer between 0 and the value of RgnRects, inclusive Specifies the minimum number of rectangles to use when creating a region.
MaxNumberOfRgns A nonnegative integer Specifies the maximum number of rectangles to use when creating a region.

The default value is the value of RgnRects.

RgnStep A positive integer Specifies how many rectangles to add to the rectangle count for each iteration.

For example, if the value of RgnRects is 10, MinNumberOfRegions is 0, and RgnStep is 1, the test iterates from using 1 rectangle to using 10 rectangles in steps of 1 rectangle. The result is 10 separate samplings.

CombineMode RGN_AND





Specifies that you want to combine a region with the primary region.

The following table shows keywords that you can use with some test cases in a script file for the Graphics Device Interface Performance Test.

Keyword Acceptable value Description
BlendFunction PPA


SCA_<hexadecimal SCA value>

PPA&SCA_<hexadecimal SCA value>

Specifies whether to use a source-constant, alpha-blend operation or a per-pixel, alpha-blend operation, or both operations simultaneously.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 0x00 and 0xFF for the source constant in an alpha blend operation.










Specifies the type of brush to use.

If you specify Pattern without specifying width, height, and bit depth, the test uses a brush with a height of 8 pixels, a width of 8 pixels, and a bit depth of 16 bits per pixel.

Dest Primary



DIB<bpp>_<colors><bit mask, if applicable>

Specifies the destination surface. You can specify multiple values separated by commas.

The default value for this keyword is Primary.

The value <bpp> specifies bits per pixel. Acceptable values for <bpp> are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32.

Acceptable values for <colors> are PAL, BGR, or RGB. PAL specifies the system palette.

Acceptable values for <bit mask, if applicable> are 4444, 565, 555, 1555, 8888, 888, or 4444.

Pen NULL<width>





Specifies the type of pen to use.

For each type of pen, you can specify a BkMode value that is associated with the surface into which the pen is selected.

For BkMode, you can specify a value of OPAQUE or TRANSPARENT. If you specify multiple modes separated by commas, the test runs for each mode in the list.

  • <0xXXhexadecimal ROP value>, <0xXX hexadecimal ROP value>
  • All


  • <0xXXXXXXXXhexadecimal ROP value>, <0xXXXXXXXX hexadecimal ROP value>
  • All


  • (<0xXXXXXXXXhexadecimal ROP value>, <0xXXXXXXXX hexadecimal ROP value>), (<0xXXXXXXXXhexadecimal ROP value>, <0xXXXXXXXX hexadecimal ROP value>)
Specifies the type of raster operation (ROP).

For ROP2, if you do not specify a value, the test uses R2_COPYPEN. If you specify a value of All, the test runs all 16 ROP2 raster operations.

For ROP3, if you do not specify a value, the test uses SRCCOPY. If you specify a value of All, the test runs all 256 ROP3 raster operations.

For ROP4, if you do not specify a value, the test uses MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, SRCCOPY).

Source Primary



DIB<bpp>_<colors><bit mask, if applicable>

Specifies the source surface. You can specify multiple values separated by commas.

The default value for this keyword is Primary.

The value <bpp> specifies bits per pixel. Acceptable values for <bpp> are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32.

Acceptable values for <colors> are PAL, BGR, or RGB. PAL specifies the system palette.

Acceptable values for <bit mask, if applicable> are 4444, 565, 555, 1555, 8888, 888, or 4444.



Specifies a mode for stretch operations. If you specify multiple modes separated by commas, the test runs for each mode in the list.

See Also

Script Development for the Graphics Device Interface Performance Test | Test Cases for the Graphics Device Interface Performance Test

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