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These bit-flag constants describe various line status events.

The following table shows the LINEDEVSTATE constants.

Value Description
LINEDEVSTATE_BATTERY = 0x00008000 The battery level has changed significantly. This condition applies to cellular phones.
LINEDEVSTATE_CAPSCHANGE = 0x00100000 Indicates that, due to configuration changes made by the user or by other circumstances, one or more of the members in the LINEDEVCAPS structure for the address have changed. The application should use lineGetDevCaps to read the updated structure. If a service provider sends a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message containing this value to TAPI, TAPI will pass it along to applications that have negotiated TAPI version 1.4 or later. Applications negotiating a previous TAPI version will receive LINE_LINEDEVSTATE messages specifying LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT, requiring them to shut down and reinitialize their connection to TAPI to obtain the updated information.
LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE = 0x00000400 The line has been closed by another application.
LINEDEVSTATE_CONFIGCHANGE = 0x00200000 Indicates that configuration changes have been made to one or more of the media devices associated with the line device. The application, if it desires, can use lineGetDevConfig to read the updated information. If a service provider sends a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message containing this value to TAPI, TAPI will pass it along to applications that have negotiated TAPI version 1.4 or later. Applications negotiating a previous API version will not receive any notification.
LINEDE VSTATE_COMPLCANCEL = 0x00800000 Indicates that the call completion identified by the completion identifier contained in the dwParam2 parameter of the LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message has been externally canceled and is no longer considered valid. If a service provider sends a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message containing this value to TAPI, TAPI will pass it along to applications that have negotiated TAPI version 1.4 or later; applications negotiating a previous API version will not receive any notification.
LINEDEVSTATE_CONNECTED = 0x00000004 The line was previously disconnected and is now connected to TAPI.
LINEDEVSTATE_DEVSPECIFIC = 0x00020000 The line's device-specific information has changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_DISCONNECTED = 0x00000008 This line was previously connected and is now disconnected from TAPI.
LINEDEVSTATE_INSERVICE = 0x00000040 The line is connected to TAPI. This happens when TAPI is first activated or when the line wire is physically plugged in and in-service at the switch while TAPI is active.
LINEDEVSTATE_LOCK = 0x00080000 The locked status of the line device has changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_MAINTENANCE = 0x00000100 Maintenance is being performed on the line at the switch. TAPI cannot be used to operate on the line device.
LINEDEVSTATE_MSGWAITOFF = 0x00000020 The message waiting indicator is turned off.
LINEDEVSTATE_MSGWAITON = 0x00000010 The message waiting indicator is turned on.
LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCALLS = 0x00000800 The number of calls on the line device has changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCOMPLETIONS = 0x00001000 The number of outstanding call completions on the line device has changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN = 0x00000200 The line has been opened by another application.
LINEDEVSTATE_OTHER = 0x00000001 Device-status items other than those listed below have changed. The application should check the current device status to determine which items have changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_OUTOFSERVICE = 0x00000080 The line is out of service at the switch or physically disconnected. TAPI cannot be used to operate on the line device.
LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT = 0x00040000 Items have changed in the configuration of line devices. To become aware of these changes, for example to become aware ofthe appearance of new line devices, the application should reinitialize its use of TAPI.
LINEDEVSTATE_REMOVED = 0x01000000 Indicates that the device is being removed from the system by the service provider most likely through user action, through a control panel or similar utility. A LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message with this value will normally be immediately followed by a LINE_CLOSE message on the device. Subsequent attempts to access the device prior to TAPI being reinitialized will result in LINEERR_NODEVICE being returned to the application. If a service provider sends a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message containing this value to TAPI, TAPI will pass it along to applications that have negotiated TAPI version 1.4 or later. Applications negotiating a previous API version will not receive any notification.
LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING = 0x00000002 The switch tells the line to alert the user.

TAPI: Service providers notify applications on each ring cycle by repeatedly sending LINE_LINEDEVSTATE messages containing this constant. For example, in the United States, service providers send a message with this constant every six seconds.

TSPI: On a POTS device, the service provider can send the message whenever the central office sends ring voltage. On digital devices such as ISDN, the service provider may need to synthesize the repetition of the message if the switch generates only one ring request. Each repetition of the message should show the ring count increasing, so that toll save functions work properly.

LINEDEVSTATE_ROAMMODE = 0x00004000 The roam mode of the line device has changed.
LINEDEVSTATE_SIGNAL = 0x00010000 The signal level has changed significantly (cellular).
LINEDEVSTATE_TERMINALS = 0x00002000 The terminal settings have changed. This can happen, for example, if multiple line devices share terminals among them. For example, this can happen when two lines share a phone terminal.
LINEDEVSTATE_TRANSLATECHANGE = 0x00400000 Indicates that, due to configuration changes made by the user or other circumstances, one or more of the members in the LINETRANSLATECAPS structure have changed. The application should use lineGetTranslateCaps to read the updated structure. If a service provider sends a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE message containing this value to TAPI, TAPI will pass it along to applications that have negotiated TAPI version 1.4 or later. Applications negotiating a previous TAPI version will receive LINE_LINEDEVSTATE messages specifying LINEDEVSTATE_REINIT, requiring them to shut down and reinitialize their connection to TAPI to obtain the updated information.


These constants cannot be extended. All 32 bits are reserved.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.

See Also

lineGetDevCaps | lineGetDevConfig | lineGetTranslateCaps | LINEDEVCAPS | LINETRANSLATECAPS | LINE_LINEDEVSTATE

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