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This structure contains information about a sort order in a database.



  • propid
    Identifier of the property to be sorted on. Sorts on binary properties are not allowed. See the description of a propid inside the CEPROPVAL structure.

  • dwFlags
    Sort flags. To get the default sort, specify zero. The default is ascending order and case-sensitive. Records that do not contain the sort property are placed after all other records.

    The following table shows flags that can be used alone or in combination to specify different kinds of sort operations.

    Value Description
    CEDB_SORT_UNIQUE Requires the key to be unique across all records in the database. This constraint also requires the sort property to be present in all records.
    CEDB_SORT_DESCENDING Causes the sort to be in descending order. By default, the sort is done in ascending order.
    CEDB_SORT_CASEINSENSITIVE Causes thee sort operation to be case-insensitive. This value is valid only for strings.
    CEDB_SORT_UNKNOWNFIRST Causes the sort opperation to place records that do not contain the sort property before all the other records.
    CEDB_SORT_IGNORENONSPACE Specifies that this sort ignores nonspacing characters, such as accents, diacritics, and vowel marks. This value is valid only for strings.
    CEDB_SORT_IGNORESYMBOLS Causes the sort operation to not recognize symbol values. This value is valid only for strings.
    CEDB_SORT_IGNOREKANATYPE The sort does not differentiate between Hiragana and Katakana characters. This value is valid only for strings.
    CEDB_SORT_IGNOREWIDTH Prevents the sort operation from differentiating between a single-byte character and the same character as a double-byte character. This value is valid only for strings.
    CEDB_SORT_NONNULL Requires the sort property to be present in all records.


This structure supports only simple sorts on a key. Records with the same key value are sorted in arbitrary value. Use the SORTORDERSPECEX (CEDB) structure to define more complex sorts on multiple properties.

The CEDB_SORT_UNIQUE flag implies the CEDB_SORT_NONNULL flag, meaning that when uniqueness is required, all records must include the sort property. It is not necessary to specify both the CEDB_SORT_UNIQUE flag and the CEDB_SORT_NONNULL flag.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Windbase.h.

See Also


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