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IConnectionManager::GetProtocolInfo (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method returns the protocol information, including network and content format data, supported by this ConnectionManager instance.

virtual DWORD GetProtocolInfo(  wstring* pstrSourceProtocolInfo,  wstring* pstrSinkProtocolInfo) = 0;


  • pstrSourceProtocolInfo
    [in, out] Pointer to a string that, upon return, contains a comma-separated list of protocol information supported by this ConnectionManager instance for sending media. Corresponds to the SourceProtocolInfo state variable.
  • pstrSinkProtocolInfo
    [in, out] Pointer to a string that, upon return, contains a comma-separated list of protocol information supported by this ConnectionManager instance for receiving media. Corresponds to the SinkProtocolInfo state variable.

Return Values

Custom implementations can return appropriate error codes. If this method succeeeds, it should return SUCCESS_AV. Otherwise, it should return an error code defined in WinError.h or UPnP.h, or one of the UPnP AV-specific return values specified in UPnPAVError.

The implementation of this method in IConnectionManagerImpl returns these errors:

Value Description
ERROR_AV_POINTER Either of the pstrSourceProtocolInfo or pstrSinkProtocolInfo parameters are NULL.
ERROR_AV_OOM There was not enough memory to return protocol information strings.
SUCCESS_AV Protocol information strings were returned correctly.


This method corresponds to the ConnectionManager service's GetProtocolInfo action.

The IConnectionManagerImpl class provides the following methods to enable developers to maintain protocol information for a particular ConnectionManager instance.

The provided implementation of this method builds the protocol information strings using information provided by these methods.

For more information about the actions in the ConnectionManager service, including detailed information about the format of the strings returned by GetProtocolInfo, see UPnP AV DCP Documentation.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Av_upnp.h.
Link Library: Av_upnp.lib.
C++ Namespace: av_upnp.

See Also

IConnectionManager | IConnectionManagerImpl | IConnectionManagerImpl::AddSinkProtocol | IConnectionManagerImpl::AddSourceProtocol | IConnectionManagerImpl::RemoveSinkProtocol | IConnectionManagerImpl::RemoveSourceProtocol | UPnPAVError

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