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Basic Object Model (Windows CE 5.0)

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The primary interface to POOM is the Application object. This object is the only object CoCreateInstance can create, with all other objects derived from it. After logging on to the Application object, you can create various Folder objects.

A Folder object contains a collection of items. It is a wrapper for the Contacts, Clock, Calendar, and Tasks databases. There is also an infrared folder for transferring items over an infrared port.

The POOM Folder implementation is a sparse subset of the Outlook Folder object. There is only one folder for each type of item, and the user cannot create or otherwise manipulate the Folder object itself. The Folder object is provided mainly for compatibility with Outlook.

The Items collection is obtained from the Folder object. An Items collection is a collection of Contacts, Tasks, or Appointments. You can retrieve or create individual items. With the Items collection, you can also perform basic filtering over a collection of objects.

You can set and retrieve individual properties of an individual item. You can create, modify, or delete an item in the store.

Task and Appointment items support the RecurrencePattern object. With this object, you can set up a recurrence for a task or appointment. Appointment items also support the Recipients collection, which lets you specify recipients for a meeting. An Appointment item that has a collection of recipients associated with it is a meeting request.

See Also

Pocket Outlook Object Model Application Development

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