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Size and Distance Specification (Windows CE 5.0)

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Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Library Reference > printf, wprintf

The optional prefixes to type, h, l, and L, specify the "size" of argument (long or short, single-byte character or wide character, depending upon the type specifier that they modify).

These type-specifier prefixes are used with type characters in printf functions to specify interpretation of arguments, as shown in the following table. These prefixes are Microsoft extensions and are not ANSI-compatible.

Note   The h, l, and L prefixes are Microsoft extensions when used with data of type char.

Size Prefixes for printf Format-Type Specifiers

To Specify Use Prefix With Type Specifier
long int l d, i, o, x, or X
long unsigned int l u
short int h d, i, o, x, or X
short unsigned int h u
__int64 I64 d, i, o, u, x, or X
Single-byte character with printf functions h c or C
Wide character with printf functions l c or C
Single-byte – character string with printf functions h s or S
Wide-character string with printf functions l s or S

To print single-byte or wide-characters with printf functions, use format specifiers as follows.

To Print Character As Use Function With Format Specifier
single byte printf c, hc, or hC
wide printf C, lc, or lC

To print strings with printf functions, use the prefixes h and l analogously with format type-specifiers s and S.

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