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This structure is used by the IHV Extensions DLL to send notifications to any service or applications that has registered for the notification.


typedef struct _L2_NOTIFICATION_DATA {
  DWORD  NotificationSource;
  DWORD  NotificationCode;
  GUID  InterfaceGuid;
  DWORD  dwDataSize;
  PVOID  pData;


  • NotificationSource
    This member specifies the origination of the notification. The IHV Extensions DLL must set this member to L2_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_WLAN_IHV.
  • NotificationCode
    This member specifies the reason code for the indication. The IHV Extensions DLL can set this member to a value greater than or equal to the value of L2_REASON_CODE_IHV_BASE.
  • InterfaceGuid
    The GUID for the wireless LAN (WLAN) adapter.

    The operating system passes the GUID and other data related to the WLAN adapter through the pDot11Adapter parameter of the Dot11ExtIhvInitAdapter function, which the operating system calls when it detects the arrival of the WLAN adapter.

  • dwDataSize
    The length, in bytes, of the data within the buffer referenced by the pData member. The IHV Extensions DLL must set this member to zero if additional data is not required for the notification.
  • pData
    The address of a caller-allocated buffer that contains additional data for the notification. The format of the data is defined by the independent hardware vendor (IHV).

    The IHV Extensions DLL must set this member to NULL if additional data is not required for the notification.


The application or service registers to receive notifications by calling the WlanRegisterNotification Auto Configuration Manager (ACM) function.

The IHV Extensions DLL sends notifications to registered services or applications by calling the Dot11ExtSendNotification function. The service or application must register to receive notifications from a source of L2_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_WLAN_IHV.




See Also


Native 802.11 Data Types
Native 802.11 Wireless LAN Reference

Other Resources
