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FlushIpPathTable (Compact 2013)


This function flushes the IP path table on the local device.


NETIOAPI_API FlushIpPathTable(
  __in  ADDRESS_FAMILY  Family


  • Family
    The address family to flush.

    Possible values for the address family are listed in the Winsock2.h header file. Be aware that the values for the AF_ address family and PF_ protocol family constants are identical (for example, AF_INET and PF_INET). Therefore, either constant can be used.

    The header file organization has changed and possible values for this member are defined in the Ws2def.h header file. Be aware that the Ws2def.h header file is automatically included in Winsock2.h, and should never be used directly.

    The values currently supported are AF_INET, AF_INET6, and AF_UNSPEC.





    The address family is unspecified. When this parameter is specified, this function flushes the IP path table that contains both IPv4 and IPv6 entries.



    The IPv4 address family. When this parameter is specified, this function flushes the IP path table that contains only IPv4 entries.



    The IPv6 address family. When this parameter is specified, this function flushes the IP path table that contains only IPv6 entries.

Return Value

Return code



The function succeeds


Access is denied. This error is returned under several conditions that include the following: the user lacks the required administrative credentials on the local device or the application is not running in an enhanced shell as the built-in Administrator (RunAs administrator).


An invalid parameter was passed to the function. This error is returned if the Family parameter was not specified as AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC.


The request is not supported. This error is returned if no IPv4 stack is located on the local device and AF_INET was specified in the Family parameter. This error is also returned if no IPv6 stack is located on the local device and AF_INET6 was specified in the Family parameter. This error is also returned on versions of Windows where this function is not supported.


Use FormatMessage to obtain the message string for the returned error.


The FlushIpPathTable function flushes or deletes the IP path entries on a local system. The Family parameter can be used to limit the IP path entries to delete to a particular IP address family. If IP path entries for both IPv4 and IPv6 should be deleted, set the Family parameter to AF_UNSPEC.

The Family parameter must be initialized to either AF_INET, AF_INET6, or AF_UNSPEC.

The FlushIpPathTable function can only be called by a user logged on as a member of the Administrators group. If FlushIpPathTable is called by a user who is not a member of the Administrators group, the function call will fail and ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is returned.

See Also


IP Helper Functions