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Cryptography API: Next Generation Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables (Compact 2013)


In Windows Embedded Compact, you can implement cryptography services to make data transactions more secure.

For more information, see Cryptography API: Next Generation.

For more information about how to add or remove catalog items, see Create Your First OS.

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • None

Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables

The following table describes the catalog items and associated SYSGEN variables that you can use to add cryptography services to your OS.

Catalog item

SYSGEN variable


Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) Primitives


Replaces the Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI). The CNG Primitives API provides a set of functions that perform basic cryptographic operations such as creating hashes or encrypting and decrypting data.

Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) Key Storage and Retrieval


Provides a plug-in model for providers of cryptographic key storage and a set of APIs that are used to create, store, and retrieve cryptographic keys.

See Also


Certificates Catalog Items and Sysgen Variables

Other Resources

Cryptography API: Next Generation